Week of November 13th-17th

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!!  This week is going to be crazy-fun with the Halloween holiday!  

This week, we will be testing on the spelling digraphs:  /sh/, /ch/, /th/ and /ck/.
Here is the sort we are working on this week: Spelling_Word_Cards_Unit_2_Week_5
For math, we are starting perimeter of composite shapes.

**REMINDER that Thursday is always Library Day.  Please remember to bring your books back to change on this day.

Important Dates:
Thanksgiving Break is next week:  November 20th-24th
I hope everyone has a thankful and Happy Thanksgiving with friends and family!

Reading Homework:
Please read 20 minutes every night (M-Th) and record your minutes read on the Reading Log.  Please return the Reading Log on Friday.

Math Homework:
Please go to prodigygame.com (or click on the link to the right, under math).  Your student’s login information is the last week’s post.  Please have your child do Prodigy for at least 15 minutes (M-Th).

**Short Day every Friday at 1:30!! 

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