Homework for March 14-17th

Happy Monday!! We have a short week ahead! Yay for a nice, long weekend! In math this week , we are finishing up pictographs and teaching line plot graphs along with measurement to the quarter, half and three-quarter inch.

Friday is a teacher work day, so students have the day off.  We are almost done with the third quarter of school.  Crazy how time flies!  Due to the fact that we have a short week, we aren’t doing WTW words sorts this week.

**Just a heads up for all students and parents: We have a field trip planned to the Living Planet Aquarium on Friday, April 22nd. We will be taking the Front Runner down there. Please mark your calendars. We can have as many parents volunteers to come as would like. More details will come soon.**

Monday Math hmwk- pictograph review hmwk

Tuesday Math hmwk- line plot hmwk 1

Wednesday Math hmwk- line plot hmwk 2

Thursday- Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Don’t forget to wear green! 🙂

Friday-No School!

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