Week of May 15th-19th

Well, it’s officially nearing the end of the year.  There are 10 days of school left and we aren’t doing homework anymore.  We are all ready for a break!!!  Please make sure you are still reading 20 minutes EVERY night for the rest of the year.  This is a super important habit that your children need to continue through the entire summer so they do not regress.

There are some super important dates to mention. Mark your calendars! Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
-Monday, May 15th-Math SAGE Test #1 @ 8:35

**Tuesday, May 16th- SUMMER BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION**  Everyone with a summer birthday will have a chance to be celebrated!!!

-Wednesday, May 17th-Math SAGE Test #2 @8:35

-Thursday, May 18th- Paint Backdrops for play (Help needed!!)  Also, if anyone has or knows of any big pieces of cardboard, we would love to take it off your hands.  Refrigerator boxes work really well!

-Monday, May 22nd-Dress Rehearsal @1:30 in Q1 gym **ALL costumes here at school by this day!**

-Wednesday, May 24th @2:00 in Q1 gym-Play Performance

-Thursday, May 25th- Field Day and Talent Show (Please sign up if interested in sharing talents on this day.)

-Friday, May 26th- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!  I really want ALL students here at school on this day.  There are lots of fun things we will do, and I want a chance to say goodbye to everyone before summer break!

Homework for May 8th-12th

WE only have 15 days left of school and so much fun stuff to do! This year has flown by and I’m feeling sad…the end is near.

**Please make sure to read the post from a few weeks ago about our class play. I listed all the play parts and the dates of the Dress Rehearsal and the actual Play performance. The date of the Dress Rehearsal is Monday, May 22nd @ 1:30 in the Q1 gym. The date of the actual play performance is Wednesday, May 24th at 2:00 in the Q1 gym. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends are welcome to attend! We are so excited to perform.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE GETTING COSTUMES TOGETHER FOR YOUR CHILDREN.**

**LA SAGE TESTING THIS WEEK:  Tuesday, May 9th @ 10:45 & Thursday, May 11th @ 12:40**

Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night. Please sign and return it on Friday.

Math-We will be finishing up  equations this week and reviewing for SAGE.  The students have 4 assignments on frontrowed.com and the class code is waddeg.
Monday- Front Row Ed Assignment “Parentheses”
Tuesday-Front Row Ed Assignment “Multiplication as Comparison”
Wednesday-Front Row Ed Assignment “Two Step Word Problems”
Thursday-Front Row Ed Assignment “Multiplication Properties”
Friday-Homework due and Sort and Reading Log turned in.


Homework for April 17th-21st

Announcements:  Please make sure to read the post from last week about our class play.  I listed all the play parts and the dates of the Dress Rehearsal and the actual Play performance.  Please start looking into finding a costume for your child.

Thanks for all the parents, grandparents and volunteers that came on Friday to the Planetarium field trip.  We had such a great time.  I will post the field trip pictures in the next few days on the blog.

Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night. Please sign and return it on Friday.

Math-We will be working on elapsed time for the next two weeks until spring break.
Tuesday-bar-graph hmwk2
Wednesday- pictograph 1
Thursday-pictograph 2
Friday-Homework due and Sort and Reading Log turned in.

SpellingThis week the students will be reviewing sounds and introducing the r-controlled vowel /ar/.
Please print off this sort: 2-24 Sheet1
Monday-Indicated Sort
Tuesday-ABC Sort
Wednesday-Sort by the number of letters in each word
Thursday-Speed Sort
The students will use this sort to practice the indicated patterns. Quest has asked us to have the students type their spelling word sort each night, but I would like to keep homework quick and simple. Just have your children sort the words. They do not need to type or write the sort.

Homework for March 27th-31st

**Thanks so much for another successful field trip last Friday!  WE had a great time at the Planetarium.  We appreciate all the parents and grandparents that came and help us!
**We have another field trip on Friday, April 14th to the Clarke Planetarium in Salt Lake.  Don’t forget to return the permission slip and pay the donation in the front office.
**Next week is Spring Break and we have NO SCHOOL on these days: April 3rd-7th**


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night. Please sign and return it on Thursday.

Math-We will be working on elapsed time for the next two weeks until spring break.
Monday-elapsed time 1
Tuesday- elapsed time 2
Wednesday- elapsed time 3
Thursday- elapsed time on a number line
Friday-Homework due and Sort and Reading Log turned in.

SpellingThis week the students will be reviewing sounds and introducing the r-controlled vowel /ar/.
Please print off this sort: 2-22 Sheet1
Monday-Indicated Sort
Tuesday-ABC Sort
Wednesday-Sort by the number of letters in each word
Thursday-Speed Sort
The students will use this sort to practice the indicated patterns. Quest has asked us to have the students type their spelling word sort each night, but I would like to keep homework quick and simple. Just have your children sort the words. They do not need to type or write the sort.

Homework for March 20th-24th

Announcements: We have a few field trips coming up in the spring we wanted to give you a heads-up about. We are going to the Living Planet Aquarium in Draper on Friday, March 24th and the Clarke Planetarium in Salt Lake City on Friday, April 12th. These will both be Front Runner field trips. More info will be posted this week.  Please make sure you’ve turned in permission slips and paid the donations at the front office.  Thanks!


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night. Please sign and return it on Thursday.

Math-We will be working on elapsed time for the next two weeks until spring break.
Tuesday- elapsed-analog2
Wednesday- elapsed-analog3
Thursday- Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!
Friday-Fieldtrip to the Living Planet Aquarium

SpellingThis week the students will be reviewing sounds and introducing the r-controlled vowel /ar/.
Please print off this sort: 2-21 Sheet1
Monday-Indicated Sort
Tuesday-ABC Sort
Wednesday-Sort by the number of letters in each word
Thursday-Speed Sort
The students will use this sort to practice the indicated patterns. Quest has asked us to have the students type their spelling word sort each night, but I would like to keep homework quick and simple. Just have your children sort the words. They do not need to type or write the sort.

Homework for March 13th-16th

Upcoming Field trips:
We are going to the Living Planet Aquarium in Draper on Friday, March 24th.  
Please click on, read, print off and sign the permission slip for details: 

e are also going to the Clarke Planetarium in SLC on Friday, April 14th.
Please click on, read, print off and sign the permission slip for details: 
Planetarium-Fieldtrip 2017

**Please check the post from last week regarding your child’s Google Slides President Report we are doing this week.  We would love the parents to come if possible.  Each report will be about 5 or so minutes each.**


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the 
Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night. Please sign and return it on Friday.

Math-We will be working on measurement this week.  For homework, the students will be reviewing fractions in Prodigy.
Monday-15 questions on Prodigy (equivalent fractions) 
15 questions on Prodigy (equivalent fractions) 
Wednesday-15 questions on Prodigy (equivalent fractions) 
Thursday- Homework and Sort and Reading Log Due!
Friday-No School/Teacher Work Day

Spelling-No spelling sorts this week due to the short week!!!  Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🙂

Homework for February 27th to March 3rd

Thank you to all the parents that took the time out of their schedules to come to Parent Teacher Conferences last week!  It was nice to sit down and chat with you all! 🙂

Dr. Seuss Week:
Monday-Wear a hat to school.
Tuesday-Wear wild socks to school.
Wednesday-Wear wacky hair to school.
Thursday-Wear green to school.
Friday-Wear wild animal prints, face paint or headbands.
**Short Day on Friday, but it is NOT a Dress Down Day!!**


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night. Please sign and return it on Friday.

Math-We will be working on fractions throughout the next month.
Monday-comparing fractions hmwk 1 (Please make sure to print off BOTH pages.)
Tuesday- comparing fractions hmwk 2
Wednesday- comparing fractions hmwk
Thursday- Dr. Seuss’ Birthday- No Math Homework!!! **
Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Spelling This week the students will be reviewing long and short /o/ vowel sounds.
Please print off this sort: 2-19 Sheet1
Monday-Indicated Sort
Tuesday-ABC Sort
Wednesday-Sort by the number of letters in each word
Thursday-Speed Sort
The students will use this sort to practice the indicated patterns. Quest has asked us to have the students type their spelling word sort each night, but I would like to keep homework quick and simple. Just have your children sort the words. They do not need to type or write the sort.

Homework for February 21st-24th

*I posted a few weeks ago about our spring Parent/Teacher Conferences we are having this week on February 21st (Tues.) and February 23rd (Thurs.) from 3:00-7:00 both nights. Please go back to that post and sign-up for a time that works best for your schedule. I NEED to sit down with all parents to discuss the success of your child.  Thanks so much for signing up!
**No School Monday, February 20th due to President’s Day! Enjoy your long weekend!**
**Friday, February 24th is a Dollar Dress Down Day with early out at 1:00. **


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night. Please sign and return it on Friday.

Math-We will be working on fractions throughout the next month.
Monday-No School- President’s Day
Tuesday- Fractions of a set hmwk 1
Wednesday- fractions of a group hmwk 1
Thursday-fractions of a group 2
**Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

This week the students will be reviewing long and short /o/ vowel sounds.
Please print off this sort: 2-18 Sheet1
Monday-Indicated Sort
Tuesday-ABC Sort
Wednesday-Sort by the number of letters in each word
Thursday-Speed Sort
The students will use this sort to practice the indicated patterns. Quest has asked us to have the students type their spelling word sort each night, but I would like to keep homework quick and simple. Just have your children sort the words. They do not need to type or write the sort.