Miss Waddell’s Halloween Party

Just a reminder that we will have our class Halloween Party on Thursday, October 31st after the Halloween parade (that starts at 9:00).  I am hoping our party can start at 10:30 and end at 11:30 (before we go to recess/lunch).  If you can, we still need some volunteers to help with the party.  If you could help our class on this day, please go to this website to sign up:

Thanks so much for EVERYTHING!!!
Miss Waddell

Book Fair and Parent/Teacher Conferences

Just a Reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences are this week: Wednesday (10-9) and Thursday (10-10). Check the schedule on the blog for your time.  I have a few people that haven’t signed up for a time yet.  Please make sure to do that as soon as you possibly can.  

Also, the Book Fair will be open all week.  Please come and stop by the Book Fair during the hours open.  The hours are:
Mon 8-3:30
Tues 8-3:30
Wed 8-7:15
Thur 8-7:15

Help on Wednesday!!!

We have the people coming from Thanksgiving Point on this Thursday, September 26th to teach our children about tulips and how they are planted. We are planting our tulips in a designated place on school grounds on that day.  Therefore, we need to get that area prepared on Wednesday, September 25th. I would love any help at 3:00 on Wednesday afternoon.  Please let me know if you are able to help us.  It shouldn’t take very long to get the ground ready and tilled.  If you have any shovels or hoes, please bring them.  Thanks so much!

Yay! The First Day of School is tomorrow!!! :)

I am so excited for the first day of school tomorrow!  I hope all the kids are just as excited!  It will be an amazing year!  Also, I want to remind you all about the disclosure statement.  Please print it off, read it, and send it to school tomorrow with your child signed.  Thanks!
I have lots of parents that aren’t sure they subscribed to the blog.  This is a tester post to see if you get an email.  Let me know!  
Miss Waddell