Homework Dec. 9-13

**Study Multiplication Facts: 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.  The students will have an opportunity to pass of the 5 facts starting this week.**
Monday-Complete the Sort as Indicated by headings
Group #1-yellow sort 17
Group #2-yellow sort 23
Group #3-green sort 11
Group #4-green sort 43

Student #23- yellow sort 11
Students #22, 2, 27, 15, 11- yellow sort 17
Student #19-green sort 50

ABC Order Sort
Sort by number of letters in each word
Study Spelling words for test tomorrow!
Friday- Homework and reading log due!!!

Homework Dec. 2nd-6th

**Study Multiplication Facts: 2’s and 10’s.  The students will have an opportunity to pass of those facts starting this week.**
Monday-Complete the Sort as Indicated by headings
Group #1-yellow sort 16
Group #2-yellow sort 22
Group #3-green sort 10
Group #4-green sort 42

Student #23- yellow sort 10
Students #22, 2, 27, 15, 11- yellow sort 16
Student #19-green sort 49

ABC Order Sort
Sort by number of letters in each word
Thursday-mult:division fact family wkst
Study Spelling words for test tomorrow!
Friday- Homework and reading log due!!!

Homework 11/18-11/22

**This is the 1st week of Multiplication Madness!  Students can pass off their 0’s and 1’s this week, so study, study, study!!!**
Monday-Relate Division and Subtraction
Sort-Complete the Sort as Indicated by headings
Group #1-yellow sort 15
Group #2-yellow sort 21
Group #3-green sort 9
Group #4-green sort 41

Student #23- yellow sort 9
Students #22, 2, 27, 15, 11- yellow sort 15
Student #19-green sort 48

ABC Order Sort
Wednesday-division hmwk #3
Sort by number of letters in each word
Thursday-Study Spelling words for test tomorrow!
Friday- Homework and reading log due!!!

Homework 11/11-11/15

Monday-Complete sort by indicated groups on the sort
Group #1-yellow sort 14
Group #2-yellow sort 20
Group #3-green sort 8
Group #4-green sort 40

Other Sorts: 
Student #23- yellow sort 8
tudents #22, 2, 27, 15, 11- yellow sort 14
Student #19-green sort 47

ABC Order Sort
Open Sort (sort any way you’d like)
Study Spelling words for WTW Test tomorrow!!!

Homework due Friday!

November Poems & Great Brain Reports

Great Brain Report
The majority of the class did not pass off one October poem.  I sent home the November poems on Friday so the kids can start studying them, so they can get one passed off before the end of the month. This month is really only 3 weeks, so the students need to get busy really soon.  The end of the month will creep up really soon.  Remember every student has to pass off one poem and complete and present to the class one Great Brain Report.

Homework for Nov. 4th to Nov. 8th

**The Unit Spelling Tests we took Friday will be returned today.  As I stated last week, students that did not make at least an 80% on their Unit Words Their Way Test will need to complete the unit of words again.  I will post the sort with the student’s number beside it.  will discuss any changes that need to be made with the students while I meet with them in WTW groups.**

Monday-Complete the sorts with the indicated sections
Group #1-yellow sort 13
Group #2-yellow sort 19
Group #3-green sort 7
Group# 4-green sort 39 **I made the decision to have this group go back and complete the unit before the unit they already completed.  It will be great practice for them, yet it will still be very challenging.**

WTW Units that need to be re-assessed:
Student #22- yellow sort 7
Student(s) #2, 11, 15, 21, 26- yellow sort 13
Student # 19- green sort 46

ABC Order Sort
Number of letters in the words Sort
tudy spelling patterns for test tomorrow!
**Turn in homework on Friday with Reading Log attached!**