October 27th-November 1st

Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you well! We have an exciting week ahead as we celebrate Red Ribbon Week. Here’s a quick overview of the themed days:

  • Monday: HAT DAY! “Tip your hat to being drug free!”
  • Tuesday: WILD SOCKS DAY! “Sock it to drugs!”
  • Wednesday: PAJAMA DAY! “Don’t ruin your dreams; stay off drugs!”
  • Thursday: HALLOWEEN COSTUMES! “Being drug free is spooktacular!”

Please note that Thursday will be an early out day at 1:10 PM, and there will be no school on November 1st.

If you have signed the permission form for the Halloween party, kindly ensure it is returned before Thursday. Thank you for your support!

Best regards,
Ms. Strain

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your continued support in our mathematics instruction. We are currently utilizing i-Ready Math on the computer for whole group lessons, and students are actively using their iPads during these sessions. Additionally, practice pages are integrated into our lessons through the Seesaw app.

We also have math books as part of our curriculum, and although we haven’t been using them in class, we will be sending these books home with the students for extra practice if you choose. This resource can be a great help as the material becomes more complex, allowing you to engage with your child during their lessons at home.

Thanks so much for your cooperation!

Best regards,
Ms. Strain

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