Is your family obsessed with the popular WORDLE game? Ms. Ronda’s son has created a KIDS WORDLE – so far we have been solving the WORD as a class and the kids are LOVING IT. They get SO EXCITED when someone guesses a right letter, let alone figures out the word!! There are cheers and high fives all over the place!! Now that the kids have a good understanding of how to play, they will get to play individually in class from time to time. I thought it was time to share the link with you so that you can play along with your child at home and let them have fun thinking about letters/sounds and WORDS!!

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March 7 – 11 MATH

Try doing some of this math at home!! Kids LOVE to add and subtract these BIG numbers!!

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Comparing Numbers

Be watching for this activity to come home in the PURPLE FOLDER this week!

This will provide such GREAT PRACTICE for the kids to compare numbers knowing which is GREATER THAN or LESS THAN.

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HAPPY 2’s Day

It was a ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity to

be TOgether on 2-22-22 on a TUESday!!

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February 21, 2022

Mark your calendar for these fun things happening
the week of February 28 – March 4th

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Happy Valentine’s from all these LOVE MONSTERS

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I am so looking forward to meeting with you over the next couple of days (February 2nd & 3rd) for PTC.

We are CLOSE to VALENTINES and it’s always a FUN DAY to be at school with friends!! I need you to please fill out this permission form for our Valentine Party!!

ALSO FYI: We are going to be making VALENTINE BAGS as part of our party for you will NOT need to send any type of box or container that day!!

Your child is welcome to bring 24 valentines to pass out to their classmates!!
PLEASE only have your child write who it is FROM:)

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PTC February 2nd and 3rd

I am looking forward to meeting with you and your child for Parent Teacher Conference on either February 2nd or 3rd. Please follow this link to sign up for a time. If you are unable to make one of these times work please let me know so we can work out a time!!

Make sure to mark your calendar that February 2nd and 3rd are EARLY OUT days and there is NO SCHOOL on February 4th.

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Vocabulary plays anĀ important part in learning to read. Beginning readers must use the words they hear orally to make sense of the words they see in print. … Vocabulary is key to reading comprehension. Readers cannot understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean.

We were able to have some great conversations about there are times you FEEL relief and there are times when you are in a predicament you are hoping for some RELIEF!!

It is so FUN to talk about the meaning of WORDS!! As you find opportunities at home to introduce, define and discuss NEW WORDS remind your child to USE THE WORD in a sentence, or better yet have them illustrate the word and write it!! This will definitely come in handy when they come upon it while reading someday!! And besides all of that … how adorable are these illustrations?!

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