March 3, 2014

Today we read chapter three in The Mouse and the Motorcycle, In chapter two Ralph had a terrible accident. He is lucky to be alive to tell about it. Have you ever been in an accident? Write about what you experienced. Were you in a car? On your bike? Walking in the school years? What were your injuries? Β Are you more careful now?

56 Responses to March 3, 2014

  1. londyn says:

    I have never been in a car crash. But if I have I would probly be in a car. I think I would get a injurd. It would be scary.

  2. tammi says:

    I really never rode my bike to school and never was that hurt never even broke a bone.Its true I never have and guess never will.

  3. Kaylee says:

    Ok so every single time I go on vacation I mean every vacation I get hurt once I had to go to the emegincy room and now because we dont get to go on scary vacations I am kidding not about the part where I get hurt though that is true it still isnt getting better !!!!!!!! πŸ™

  4. noah says:

    One time with my friend we where doing jumps on are bikes and i fell and got roks in my knee and it was in berising because a person was stading right there.

  5. preston says:

    I think that ralph is kind of sad that he might die. I think he won’t.

  6. sophie says:

    i have had lots of accidents I have had broken foot and arms i have broke my arm three times. How I broke my arm is i was running and playing tag and i got a broken arm cause i sliped

    • kristi.hutchinson says:

      You remind me a lot of my daughter she is always hurting herself and ending up hurt. She says one day she will turn into a ballerina and be graceful and never get hurt. I don’t know if that is true because she is 17 now and still gets hurt all the time.

    • tammi says:

      Its really true every year almost a see a cast on her arm. I never even had an ingure.

    • londyn says:

      You must have a lot of broken bones. I never new you broke your leg. scary.

  7. jaxson nielson says:

    Once i was on a slide and i jumped and i landed in my back when i try’d to land at the end. At my friends house and i did not brake a bone just a lot of bruises and a scar.

  8. hayden funk says:

    I was riding my bike over by the Roy train station. I was riding with my friend. I was riding down a hill looking for him. I turned off to a different street. But because I didn’t know his neighborhood I didn’t want to go any farther. So I turned back onto the hill. I didn’t know that the hill was a dead end. I saw dirt formed into a bump barricades. I had a 2d video in my image of me riding over the bump and braking my arm/leg and I didn’t want that,so I ran into the barricades. I got hurt. well duh, of course I ran into them like 10 mph. but no serious damage. only a little cut! IDIOTS ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE!

  9. Regina says:

    Yes I have had lots of accidents. One accident that I had was when I was on my bike then I stopped to put it away but then it fell on me and I bruised my nee.

  10. presley says:

    to rengna wen i was on my bike i got haert

  11. preston says:

    One time I crashed with a four willer and I waked my uncle in the face I was driving with out him helping.It was so close to falling down a huge hill.

  12. adrianna says:

    I have had a lot of accidents in my life. The worst accident I have had was I fell off of 25 feet bleachers.

  13. parker says:

    once i was riding my dirt bike and i crashed and broke my helmet and you know how when a dirt bike tips over the gas leaks all over the place well when i crashed bike fell on top of me and the gas was leaking all over me i allmost broke my ribs

  14. Destri says:

    Well I crashed my bike 10 times its not fun and I broke my helmet once good thing I had my helmet.;]

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