How do plants grow?

Watch the video and answer the questions below. Use complete sentences to answer the questions. Post to the blog using for the email address.

Name four things that Dawn’s seeds needed to grow? How do plants get water?

22 Responses to How do plants grow?

  1. Pingback: April 14, 2014 |

  2. Jake says:

    It will not let me see the video.

  3. kessler says:

    I can not see the video

  4. Noah says:

    It won’t show the video for me ether.

  5. itzahi says:

    It needs water , sun , drt .

  6. acc says:

    first you need to plant them in the ground or in a pot, second they need food and water, then they need sunshine, last they need lots time!!
    They get water through their stems!!

  7. Jake.M says:

    it needs sun,water and dirt.

  8. londyn says:

    4 things to grow plants. You need sunshine,water,air and soil. How to water your plants get a vase and put your flowers in it and the flowers will suck up the water.

  9. hayden funk says:

    Here are four things that plants need,1 sun,2 water,3 soil,4 love.(Next question.) plants get water threw their stem.

    (P.S. the movie was dumb)

  10. julian says:

    It needs sun, soul,water,and food from their stem. the stem helps the plant go.

    🙂 (:

    (p.s. the movie was dumb and funny)

  11. parker says:

    it needs water,sun,dirt then after about a weskit will grow and there you go you got a flower

  12. Regina says:

    4 things plants need to grow is sun, water, oil, and dirt. Plants get water by sucking it up.

  13. Presley says:

    It needed sun, water, soil and air. Plants get water when it rains or when you water them.

  14. Tyson says:

    Dawn’s plant needs soil, air, water, and sun that is the four things it needs.

  15. sophie says:

    a plant needs water air sunshine soil


    a plant needs water sunshine air soil a plant gets it water from sucking in through the stem

  17. jaxson says:

    plants need soil, water, sunshine, and food. the way they get water is that they such water from the dirt or soil and from their stem and put it in there body.

  18. Jaxon says:

    A plant needs to be put in a special place, then plant, and then they need soil, and it needs water and sunlight, and put them in a pot or vase then wait for a couple of weeks and you have a plant a AMAZING!.

  19. Tammi says:

    The plants need soil,dirt,water,and sun light to grow.

  20. Kaylee says:

    To make a plant grow you have to give it sun, dirt, and water.

  21. Destri says:

    plant’s need sunlight water and dirt it would make it grow

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