Life-cycle of the Painted Lady

Yesterday, we learned that our butterflies are called, “Painted Lady”

The life of the Painted Lady begins when the female lays an egg onto the host plant. Eggs are laid, usually, singularly on the tops of the host plant leaves.

paintedladyegg1Eggs are a light green color and somewhat barrel-shaped. They have horizontal lines that go from tip to bottom. The Painted Lady egg looks a little like a light-colored watermelon.

In about four days or so, a little caterpillar will hatch from this green egg. Avanessacardui1stfter it has emerged, it will turn around and go back to eat the eggshell. This provides the larva’s first meal of protein, It will then go on to begin feasting on the leaf upon which the egg has been laid.

At first the Painted Ladies are extremely tiny; in fact, the look an awful lot like little ants. For rdinstarpaintedl hose who are raising theses little ones for the first time, be wary as theses little ones are super fast and can quickly escape if you aren’t on your toes!

It isn’t long before their bristles become noticeable. That big black head has shrunken a bit, and is more proportional to the rest of its body. Soon we should see little white dots at the base of some of the bristles. Over the next two weeks you will see amazing changes.

Write three things you have learned about your butterfly. What changes did you observe in your larva today? Have you noticed the silk thread your larva spins?

21 Responses to Life-cycle of the Painted Lady

  1. Hayden Funk says:

    The day before yesterday Mr.Chuby was 1/2 cm. Yesterday Mr.Chuby was 1cm. Mr.Chuby kep changing brown and black.

  2. Jaxon says:

    Yesterday Mr. Puffles was 1 cm. long and wasn’t hairy but today he is almost 2 cm. long and was turning a black color with hair too. He also dug up a tunnel.

  3. Jake says:

    When I got to school today my Catapillar was black and a lot bigger!

  4. Aniston says:

    today anna is 2 cm and yesterday she was only 1 cm and she has climbed to the to for the very first time I am so happy

  5. kessler says:

    My larva is steel on top of the lid. My larva is the same size.

    My mom is going to bring the permishion slip.

  6. parker says:

    when i got to school Drey was in a weird silk bag and when i got back from recess he was black. his bristles are there i can’t wait to see what he looks like tomorrow

  7. Londyn Lane says:

    My caterpillar has changed it is now black and has grown a little bit. My caterpillar goes up and down. Sometimes when I am not looking it moves a lot and when I look at it it is somewhere els it is really confusing. I love my caterpillar I cant wait to see what it looks like when it is a butterfly. By By!!

  8. itzahi says:

    My caterpillar has changed black and she it hairy and it likes the top a lot I love her very much she is cold painted lady. By…….

  9. Tammi says:

    My butterfly has been climbing alot. She sheded and there has been alot of food gone. She is black with white spots and has been longer.

  10. Regina says:

    My caterpillar has not changed much. And it likes to stand up a lot. Plus it is starting to get a little darker than before. It is also starting to get dot on it.

  11. Presley says:

    I have learned that it will get bristles and that they are really fast and that there egg looks like a small watermelon. I noticed that my larva has gotten fatter. No I have not seen the silk thread.

  12. noah solis says:

    It changed colors. And it got bigger. I learned they are very fast . They can spread silk.

  13. acc says:

    three things I have learned about my painted laity butterfly are that my caterpillar sheds skin over night, eats most of her life as a larva, and walks in a day my larva is it was bigger. yes I nudist silk from my larva.

  14. jaxson nielson says:

    i know that my butterfly is many colors that it has 4 wings that will have spots. i noticed that its a lot darker. no i did not noticed silk.

  15. sophie says:

    my butterfly has had a little bit of white spots he also is 1 centimeter long today. YAY!!!!!!!

  16. Kaylee says:

    So Cristal is a LOT bigger I don’t know how she was so tinny it was black! 🙂

  17. Preston Snitker says:

    My lava turned in to a ccatipiller my catipiller is HUGE!

  18. Destri Dunyon says:

    Something I learned was that the painted lady’s are so tiny. They are ant size.. The eggs look like a tiny watermelon. In 4 days the caterpillar will maybe hatch.
    My larva did not grow. I liked learning about the painted lady.

  19. Destri says:

    Mine is still alive and he’s really long and his name is Hero and his middle name is Herobrine and he is really tough and I think mine is going to be in it’s larva.:)

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