Homework for the Week of Jan. 23rd!


  • Changes to the spelling sorts – Students are not required to type/sort their words for homework.  This change is coming from Dr. Dave.  He feels, and I completely agree, that students are spending a lot of time doing their spelling sorts for homework.  I would like students to focus on their reading and math.  We will continue to work on our spelling sorts in class, and I will post the sorts for you to see what we are working on.  If you have any questions, or concerns, feel free to contact me.
  • Monday – Library – Please remember your books!
  • Tuesday – Music at 2:00 with Mrs. Viernew
  • STEM LAB – Thursday at 10:30
  • Friday – Dollar Dress Down Day and Short Day – out at 1:00
Spelling Words
This weeks pattern is 3 and 4 syllable words that have long and short vowels in them.  We are working on the same sort that we worked on last week.  We will be sorting our sorts into vowel patterns this week. 
Spelling Words #10

  • Please have your child read every night for 20 minutes.  You can keep track of your reading minutes on this reading log, or, you can submit your child’s reading minutes under the homework tab, e-submission, reading minutes link.  Make sure that the reading minutes are turned in on Friday, in the folder, or online.
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