- 15 minutes of Prodigy each night!
Spelling Words
Spelling Words #2
- Thank you so much for helping to make the change to Google Classroom for typing spelling words. I am able to see what each child submits and I am also able to make comments on the form. I have returned all of the spelling homework with a grade. If your child did not turn in the homework assignment, I did not grade it. I will not grade it until it has been turned in to me, so please get is submitted ASAP. Remember, I will not take late homework after Tuesday.
- The sorts are listed below and I have listed them under the homework e-submission form. Starting next week I will not list them on this front page.
- Monday – Category Sort
- Tuesday – ABC Sort
- Wednesday – Speed Sort
- Thursday – 7-UP Sentence Sort
- If you cannot access your computer, or have issues with typing the words, your child can write them on a piece of paper and then hand them in.
- Please have your child read every night for 20 minutes. You can keep track of your reading minutes on this reading log, or, you can submit your child’s reading minutes under the homework tab, e-submission, reading minutes link. Make sure that the reading minutes are turned in on Friday, in the folder, or online.
I let you know on the homework post that we would be doing tonight’s spelling sort in class today. Unfortunately, we will not be doing that today, we will be doing it tomorrow instead. There still will not be any spelling sort for your child to do tonight, so that is good news.
Spelling Words
Bengal Spelling Words #1
- CHANGE IN SPELLING!!! We have been doing our spelling on google forms, but I have learned that this is very hard to manage on my part. So, I will be changing how to submit the spelling homework. Instead of submitting under google forms, the student will log into Google classroom and do the spelling sorts there. The sorts will still be the same.
- Monday – Category Sort
- Tuesday – ABC Sort
- Wednesday – Speed Sort
- Thursday – 7-UP Sentence Sort
- If you look under the e-Homework submission tab, you will find the directions and a sample page of what the homework will look like.
- We will do the first sort, tomorrow night’s homework, in class tomorrow afternoon. I want to make sure that the students are comfortable with getting into Google Classroom.
- Please have your child read every night for 20 minutes. You can keep track of your reading minutes on this reading log, or, you can submit your child’s reading minutes under the homework tab, e-submission, reading minutes link. Make sure that the reading minutes are turned in on Friday, in the folder, or online.
I am so sorry for the confusion on spelling homework last night. I thought I had fixed the problem with my google form, but I didn’t, and I was not aware of my mistake until last night. I have changed the form, so next week it should be smooth sailing. I will give credit for however that spelling was filled out. Once again, I am sorry for the confusion.
Math- We have finished up rounding, and everyone did very well on the rounding and place value test. This week we will start learning about addition properties. For the homework, please have your child work on Prodigy four nights this week, for 15 minutes.
- Prodigy Game is a fabulous tool for math, but it does have the upgrade that the kids want to purchase and REALLY don’t need. Last year we were able to get a deal on the upgrade. If this deal arises again, I’ll let you know.
This is how Prodigy Works: I go in each week and assign them the topics we are working on, or the concepts they are struggling with. When they complete these assignments, the computer adapts to what they need more practice in. I am amazed at how many of them have completed over 100 questions in just one week. I’m so IMPRESSED. Also, I have been able to log into Prodigy on several different iPads, Notebooks, Tablets and computers. If your child is having a problem with this, please have them click here: Prodigygame and it should take them to the game.
Spelling Words
Spelling Words Blue 22
We are working on the ar sound
The challenge words are: market, gatlic, arctic, harmless
The sight words are: should, would, been
- Spelling this year has changed. We are using direct instruction to teach spelling and all the students in our class will have the same spelling pattern, with differentiation happening in our individual seat work time. We will focus on the spelling patterns introduced and a set of sight words. We will cut them out in class this week and then I will send them home for your child to use all week. They need to be typing their words in every night, so make sure your child keeps their spelling words that we cut out. Under the homework tab is the e-submission tab. If you click on that it has all of the forms that your child needs to be typing into every night. They are listed Monday, Tuesday, Wendesday, and Thursday.
- Please have your child read every night for 20 minutes. You can keep track of your reading minutes on this reading log, or, you can submit your child’s reading minutes under the homework tab, e-submission, reading minutes link. Make sure that the reading minutes are turned in on Friday, in the folder, or online.
- Please look for a plastic, aqua homework folder to be sent home on Monday. Have your child keep their spelling words, math homework, and reading log in this folder. On Friday, please send the folder back to school with the math homework, and optional reading log for grading. I will send it back home the following Monday.
Math Homework Link!!- This week in math we are still working on rounding to hundred and the rounding with adding.
- Last week we worked on Prodigy and this week we are working on a worksheet. This sheet is for the whole week, so please do 7-8 problems a night, M-Th. Please have your child hand it in on Friday.
Spelling Words
- We will still be working on our spelling words in class, so there will not be homework for spelling.
- Please have your child read every night for 20 minutes. You can keep track of your reading minutes on this reading log, or, you can submit your child’s reading minutes under the homework tab, e-submission, reading minutes link. Make sure that the reading minutes are turned in on Friday, in the folder, or online.
Please send an apple with your child tomorrow, Thursday!!!!!
On Friday from 9:00-11:00 we will be carving apples for apple witches. Please send an apple to school with your child on Thursday (we will not be eating them). If you would like to volunteer, you may sign up on the Bloomz app. If you have not signed up for Bloomz, go to and enter class code: ZFSF5V. I need 8 parent volunteers and 1/8 teaspoons (at least 10) and apple peelers (at least 8). If you have any of these items but cannot attend, please send them with your child, and I will make sure that they get back to you.
Thanks for all your support!
I hope that everyone had a great long weekend. I know that I did! This week we start homework.
- Prodigy homework starts this week. If you did not link your prodigy account to mine last week, you need to do it this week. Please see the post from last week on how to do this step.
- I have assigned three assignments for your child to work on this week. We will work on the first assignment in class tomorrow and I will show them what it looks like when they are doing homework. We will talk about how long it should take to do an assignment, what playing vs. working looks like, and what to do when no one will battle with you.
- On Wednesday and Thursday, students will complete the other two assignments at home. Each assignment has 5 problems.
- Students do not need to submit their math homework. I will see if each student has completed their assignments.
Please have your child submit their reading minutes on Friday at the latest. Your child should be reading 2o minutes at least 5 times a week. Under the homework tab, there is a homework e-submission tab, you will find the reading minutes form there.
We will be working on our spelling words in class again this week. We will be using the same words that we used last week and we will be learning how to type them and then submit them. Once again, this will all be done in class this week. Starting next week, students will be doing this online.
We made it through our first full week and things went great. This week we will start homework in reading and in math.
Students are to get on to prodigy and link their accounts, if they already have one, or sign up, if you are new to Prodigy, and link them to my teacher account.
Step 1 –
Step 2 – If you have never logged onto Prodigy, select New Student, and enter your class code: G8JR47
If you are already a member of prodigy, you need to link your account to me. When you login, you should see a tab that says new teacher. Click on that tab and enter the code G8JR47. If you have issues, please let me know.
Step 3– Create your character and start exploring.
I will be assigning Prodigy starting the week of Labor Day. I have access to all of the students work that they do. I can see how many minutes they were on the game and how many problems that they have answered. If you do not have access to the internet, I will have an alternative options available.
Students are expected to read every night for 20 MINUTES. This is very important that they read every night. I will show the students how to submit this information through the blog.
We will be practicing our spelling in class this week. When they start spelling, they will be pros at what is expected of them.