Monday, December 11th–Friday, December 15th

What we are learning…

I can turn an improper fraction into a mixed number.
I can turn a mixed number into an improper fraction.

  -Language Arts:
I can identify the theme of a story.
I can summarize a text orally and in writing.
I can identify the tense of a sentence by examining the verb.
I can identify the meaning of a sentence by examining context clues

Review for Electricity Test.
Google Slides are due on Friday, December 15th.
Electricity Test: Wednesday, December 13th.

I can read an information text and identify the following:
Most important sentences the author wrote
Key words within the text
Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

Looking Ahead…

  • Hill Air Force Base School Fieldtrip:  Wednesday, December 13th
  • Class Christmas Party:  Friday, December 15th
  • Dress Down Day:  Friday, December 15th
  • Christmas Break:  Monday, December 18th—Tuesday, January 2nd
  • School Resumes:  Wednesday, January 3rd at 8:25 am
  • End of Second Quarter:  Friday, January 12th

There is no homework this week!!  Please make sure your child reads during this week, and over Christmas break.  J