Monday, October 8th–Friday, October 12th


Classroom Schedule

Tuesday: STEM Lab
Wednesday: Wonders Unit 1 Assessment, Library, and NOVA
Thursday: Wonders Unit 1 Assessment
Friday: Wonders Unit 1 Assessment, Dibbles Progress Monitoring, Creative Writing Friday, Early OUT!

School Announcements

  • Quarter 1 Book Report:  All chapter summaries are due on Friday, October 12th. If you have any questions about what book to read, please feel free to ask.
  • Quarter 1 Ends: Tuesday, October 16th
  • Fall Break: Wednesday, October 17th—Friday, October 19th
  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 25th. Please sign up for your desired day and time on Sign Up Genius.                            Click Here to Sign Up for Conferences.