Quarter 1 Book Report: Due Next Week


Chapter Summaries Due:  Friday, October 12, 2018

You can access the “Google Doc” to complete the chapter summaries on Google Classroom.

  • You will read a 200+ page book.  
  • You will write one paragraph about each chapter, as you read it.  A good paragraph gives many details and consists of at least 7 sentences with at least 10 words in each sentence.  
  • The book must be read by Friday, October 12, 2018. All chapter summaries must be written by this time as well.
  • You will submit the Google Doc after the book has been read, and all chapter summaries have been written. You will submit the Google Doc through Google Classroom.
  • We will complete the book report in class.

This Week in Math

This week in math, we are learning long division. Long division can be a challenging math standard to master, so we are going to be doing a lot of practice, practice, and more practice. If your child is feeling overwhelmed with the new concept, please feel free to use the Family Letter (link below) to work with them at home.

Lesson 6, Long Division

Parent Teacher Conference: Sign-Up Link

Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled to be on Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 25th. Please sign up for the available day and time that works best for your schedule.

Please be on time for your conference, as I will follow the schedule exactly. If you need to change an already scheduled conference day and time, please email me 24 hours before your new conference day and time.

I look forward to meeting with you and your child soon!

Sign-Up Here

This Week in Math

We have had a wonderful week in math. The students are learning how to multiply three digit numbers by two digit numbers. They are learning the three different strategies to of multiplication:  standard multiplication, area model, and distributive property.

I am attaching a family letter that explicitly says what we are learning in math this week.
Lesson 5, Multiplication

Earth Surface’s Google Slides


We have been studying the Earth’s Surface in science over the last few weeks. This week, the students have been working on their Google Slideshows to showcase what they have learned.

Students, if you did not finish your Google Slides in class today, please feel free to click on the link below to access the information you need to include in your Google Slideshow. When you are finished, please feel free to share your presentation with me.

My email address is lparr@questac.org

Google Slides_ Earth’s Surfaces

All Google Slides are due on, Wednesday, October 3rd. 

Monday, September 24th–Friday, September 28th


Classroom Schedule

Tuesday:  STEM Lab
Wednesday:  Library and NOVA
Friday:  Math Assessments, Dibbles Progress Monitoring, Creative Writing Friday, Early OUT!

School Announcements

  • Quarter 1 Book Report:  All chapter summaries are due on Friday, October 12th. If you have any questions about what book to read, please feel free to ask.
  • Dollar Dress Down Day:  Friday, September 28th
  • Quarter 1 Ends:  Tuesday, October 16th
  • Fall Break:  Wednesday, October 17th—Friday, October 19th
  • Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 25th.       (Please look for a Sign-Up Genius link to sign up for available days and times for conferences. I will send out the link the beginning of next week). 

Monday, September 17–Friday, September 21

Classroom Schedule

Tuesday:  STEM Lab
Wednesday:  Library and NOVA
Thursday:  Netsmartz Assembly
Friday:  Dibbles Progress Monitoring, Early OUT!

School Announcements

  • Quarter 1 Book Report:  All chapter summaries are due on Friday, October 12th. If you have any questions about what book to read, please feel free to ask.

Quarter 1 Book Report


Chapter Summaries Due:  Friday, October 12, 2018

You can access the “Google Doc” to complete the chapter summaries on Google Classroom.

  • You will read a 200+ page book.  
  • You will write one paragraph about each chapter, as you read it.  A good paragraph gives many details and consists of at least 7 sentences with at least 10 words in each sentence.  
  • The book must be read by Friday, October 12, 2018. All chapter summaries must be written by this time as well.
  • You will submit the Google Doc after the book has been read, and all chapter summaries have been written. You will submit the Google Doc through Google Classroom.
  • We will complete the book report in class.

Monday, September 10th–Friday, September 14th

School Announcements

  • Dibbles Testing: Monday/Tuesday this week.
  • Quarter 1 Book Report:  All chapter summaries are due on Friday, October 12th. If you have any questions about what book to read, please feel free to ask.

School Fundraiser

  • I will let you know how much our class earned with the fundraiser. Thank you all for participating. I hope this is our one and only fundraiser for the year!!