Sage Testing Begins Next Week !! :)

Science Sage Test
Monday, April 30th  8:45–9:30am
Tuesday, May 1st  11:00–11:45am

Writing Sage Test
Wednesday, May 2nd  10:15–11:00am
Thursday, May 3rd  10:15–11:00am

Language Arts Sage Test
Monday, May 14th  11:00–11:45am
Tuesday, May 15th  8:45–9:30am

Math Sage Test
Wednesday, May 16th  9:30–10:15am
Thursday, May 17th  9:30–10:15am

  -Please make sure your child has had a good night’s sleep the night before each test.

  -Please make sure your child has eaten a nutritious and energizing breakfast each morning before the test.

  -Please make sure your child arrives to school on time, as our tests are all in the morning.

  -I will do everything in my power to make sure your child is ready for each Sage test. I ask for each student to give their 100%, and do their very best. We will be doing many review games in class to help review for each test. We also will be taking practice Sage tests to help the students feel comfortable with the testing website and interface.

Mission to Mars–Thursday!!

We are going to Mars!! Our Mission to Mars Field Trip is finally here. The students have been working so hard since January to be ready, and we are now ready!! Yay!
The field trip is this Thursday, April 26th. 

Here is some need-to-know information…
  *All students need to arrive to school on time. School starts promptly at 8:25am. Parent chaperones, please plan on arriving at 8:25am as well.

  *We will board the school bus at 8:35am to Weber State University. Parent chaperones, please plan on riding the bus with us as well. We are taking large boxes of items with us, and the students may need help carrying the items to the building.

  *All students need to bring a lunch from home. Please include a drink, utensils, and anything else you may need for lunch. (Weber State will not be providing anything).

  *All students need to bring their backpack (their lunch will be placed inside).

  *All students need to wear their school uniforms, and sturdy shoes (we will be walking a lot).

  *All students are welcome to bring card games (card games may be played if we have down time at Weber State), and must be placed in their backpack. 

  *Students are not allowed to bring any electronic device on the field trip. This includes: cell phones, tablets, iPads, cameras, 3Ds, Nintendo Switch, etc. If I see a device, I will take it, and the student’s parent will need to pick it up from the front office. 

  *If you need to get in contact with me while we are gone, please feel free to email me. I will be checking my email throughout the day. My email is 

  *We should return back to Quest Academy around 2:00pm.

Uniform Colored Shirts
  *Explorers:  Daxton, Kayl, Lateice, Sienna, Jaycie, Cyruss, Tyrece, Paul, Sophia, Annsiten, and Marriner. You all will be wearing a blue uniform colored shirt. You will need to wear uniform shorts, pants, or skirts. 

  *Rusty Rocks:  Elizabeth, Luis, Corten, Lana, Cameron,Tyler, Braxsten, Shiloh, Cailynn, Karlos, and Desiree. You all will be wearing a red uniform colored shirt. You will need to wear uniform shorts, pants, or skirts.

Habitat YouTube Link
This is what we are building!!

If you have any questions, please let me know! We are very excited.

Sage Testing Schedule

Science Sage Test
Monday, April 30th  8:45–9:30am
Tuesday, May 1st  11:00–11:45am

Writing Sage Test
Wednesday, May 2nd  10:15–11:00am
Thursday, May 3rd  10:15–11:00am

Language Arts Sage Test
Monday, May 14th  11:00–11:45am
Tuesday, May 15th  8:45–9:30am

Math Sage Test
Wednesday, May 16th  9:30–10:15am
Thursday, May 17th  9:30–10:15am

  -Please make sure your child has had a good night’s sleep the night before each test.
  -Please make sure your child has eaten a nutritious and energizing breakfast each morning before the test.
  -Please make sure your child arrives to school on time, as our tests are all in the morning.
  -I will do everything in my power to make sure your child is ready for each Sage test. I ask for each student to give their 100%, and do their very best. We will be doing many review games in class to help review for each test. We also will be taking practice Sage tests to help the students feel comfortable with the testing website and interface.

5th Grade State Float Project

At Home Project

State Float Due: Monday, May 7th 

We have come to that time of year where fifth-grade students research and write a state report and design a state float. Most of the research and writing will be done at school, along with a digital portion they will be presenting in class.

The floats will need to be put together at home. Students are to make a miniature float (not a diorama) representing your state. Follow the steps below:

  • Use a shoebox. Your float may not be bigger than 14 x 14 inches.
  • Completely cover the outside of the box (e.g. tissue paper, foil, colored rice that is glued on, construction paper, etc.)
  • Design the top part of your float using creativity and imagination Think about what you have learned about your state’s national parks, motto, symbols, etc. Take some of these scenes, replicas, or figures that represent your state, placing them on the top in an appealing way.
  • Somewhere on the float you must have the name of your state.
  • Your state float should resemble a real float in a parade. Think about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day or Tournament of Roses parade floats.
  • Don’t forget your name!
  • Be creative, and have fun!

State Float Examples

Oregon Float
Minnesota Float
Hawaii Float

Research at Home

If students want to begin researching their state at home, you are more than welcome to do so. You will need to print off a copy of the state research questions. Once you have answered the questions, bring the copy from home to school. Have fun! 🙂

Print Report Questions from Home (click below link).
State Report Project

Mission to Mars Permission Form(s)

We are getting so excited! Mission to Mars will be on Thursday, April 26th. If your child is planning on attending this event, you must sign two permission forms. A hard copy of the form went home last week. If your child misplaced the form, please let me know. You also are able to print a copy of the permission forms below.

Please return the permission forms by Wednesday, April 18th.

Thank you!

Mission to Mars Permission Slip

Monday, April 16th–Friday, April 20th

What we are learning…

Review for Sage Test…
  -Numbers & Base 10

-Language Arts: 
I can ask and answer questions as I am reading.
I can identify the author’s point of view.

Utah Compose

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in my habitat group to create a saga (a song about Mars).
I am working in my habitat group to create a model of our life support system for Mars.
I am practicing my public speaking skills by talking about our life support system, and answering questions other people ask.

Looking Ahead…

  • Spring Picture Day:  Tuesday, April 17th
  • Language Arts Unit 5 Test:  Monday, April 23rd
  • Mission to Mars Event:  Thursday, April 26th
  • Sage Test:  Science—Monday, April 30th
  • Sage Test:  Science—Tuesday, May 1st
  • Sage Test:  Writing—Wednesday, May 2nd
  • Sage Test:  Writing—Thursday, May 3rd
  • State Float Due:  Monday, May 7th
  • State Report Due:  Tuesday, May 8th
  • 5th Grade State Presentations:  Thursday, May 10th


  • There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. J