Tonight: Junior High Parent Meeting

“We are excited to offer a Junior Parent Night! Come learn about all the exciting clubs, sports and events we offer at Q2. Our cutting-edge math program, Edgenuity, allows students a comprehensive and rewarding personalized learning experience. As Jr. High students, they have the opportunity to work will new teachers and take elective courses that interest them. Please join us for this informational Junior Parent Night to learn and answer any questions you may have!”

Date:  Monday, March 26th at 5pm.
Where:  Q2 Gym.

Monday, March 26th–Friday, March 30th

What we are learning…

I can understand attributes belonging to 2-D shapes.
I can understand that all rectangles have four right angles, and all squares are rectangles. So squares also have four right angles.

-Language Arts: 
I can ask and answer questions as I am reading.
I can compare and contrast as I am reading.
I can identify words I do not know by reading and understanding context clues.

Utah Compose

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in my habitat group to create a saga (a song about Mars).
I am working in my habitat group to create a model of our life support system for Mars.

Looking Ahead…

  • Junior High Parent Meeting:  Monday, March 26th 6:00pm.
  • March Book Report Due:  Tuesday, March 27th.
  • Spring Break:  Monday, April 2nd—Friday, April 6th.
  • Mission to Mars Event:  Thursday, April 26th

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. 🙂

Heredity Google Slides

The Heredity Google Slides are due on Thursday, March 29th. 
If students do not complete their Heredity Google Slides during the designated classroom time, they will need to complete them at home.

Slide 1:  Catchy Title & Name

Slide 2:  How are puppies like their parents?
              List 5 physical features.

Slide 3:  List 5 traits that passed down from your parents.
             List 5 traits that could be influenced by your environment.

Slide 4:  What is an animal or insect that looks different as a “baby” than their “parent.”

Slide 5:  Give me an example of an animal that has instinctive traits.
             What is the animal? What does the animal instinctively know how to do?

Slide 6:  Give me an example of an animal who has adapted to live in the desert. What do 
              they eat? When are they active? Where do they find water?

Slide 7:  Give me an example of an animal who has adapted to live in the forest. What do
               they eat? When are they active? Where do they find water?

Parent Volunteers–Mission to Mars

As you may have heard from your child, our class is in the process of preparing to attend “Mission to Mars” on Thursday, April 26th at Weber State University.

Mission to Mars is a 5th grade program designed to inspire students to study STEM fields through exploring space travel.  Students prepare for a simulated manned mission to Mars through several classroom hands-on activities in the months leading up to “Link-Up-Day” where students will establish a colony of linked habitats on Mars.

To make this event successful, we need some parent volunteers to help us out. We will be doing a lot of preparation in class over the next several weeks, learning a saga and designing and building a life support system. Our class will be divided into two groups, and for each group we need at least one to two adults to help out. At the link-up day, the groups will be presenting to the judges and then putting together a habitat.

If you can volunteer, we will need you to come to the school on the following days to become familiar with your student group and their project.
  -Friday, April 13th from 10:20–11:30am
  -Friday, April 20th from 10:20–11:30am
I also will need you to commit to our culminating event at Weber State University. Please keep in mind that younger siblings will not be able to attend with you. This event is for fifth grade students only.
  -Thursday, April 26th   8:25–3:00pm

If you would be able to commit to these three days, we would love to have you come help. This is a really fun event and we are excited for the opportunity to attend.

Please email me if this is something you are willing and able to do. The kids are getting excited! 🙂

Needed–Mission to Mars Supplies

We are now beginning the construction of our Life-Support-Systems for Mission to Mars. Yay!! The students are having to design a system that will support life on Mars. The students  are divided into two groups, and each group will be able to present their system to the Weber State Judges.

I am asking for parent donations for any of the following items. Some of the items can possibly be found around your house. I need all donations brought into the classroom by Thursday, March 22nd. Thank you!

Mission to Mars Supplies
  • Colorful Pom Poms
  • Colorful Pipe Cleaners
  • Colorful Play-Doh
  • Small Popsicle Sticks
  • Large Popsicle Sticks
  • Empty Paper Towel Tubes
  • Empty Toilet Paper Tubes
  • Tooth Picks
  • Colorful Felt or Fabric Pieces
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Saran Wrap
  • Mini Paper Cups
  • Plastic Straws
  • Cotton Balls
  • Q-Tips

Book Report Due Next Week

Cereal Box Book Report image
Fiction Book Report Due:  Tuesday, March 27th

You are to create a cereal box book report to share your fiction book with the class. Please follow the directions listed below as you create your project.

1. Use the provided templates to tell about the important parts of your book. Then, cut the templates and attach to your cereal box. Required parts include:
  1) Book Information
  2) Setting Description
  3) Main Characters
  4) Summary
  5) Book Rating
  6) Puzzle or Game

2.  Design the front of your cereal box around the ideas from your book. You may use craft and art supplies on your box, but make sure that the design doesn’t distract from your work.

3.  Make sure that your box is neat, and that your writing is legible. Mistakes should not be left crossed out, and eraser marks should not be seen.

Have fun reading! Please let me know if you any questions.

PDF Version Available 
Cereal Box Book Report

Junior High Parent Meeting

“We are excited to offer a Junior Parent Night! Come learn about all the exciting clubs, sports and events we offer at Q2. Our cutting-edge math program, Edgenuity, allows students a comprehensive and rewarding personalized learning experience. As Jr. High students, they have the opportunity to work will new teachers and take elective courses that interest them. Please join us for this informational Junior Parent Night to learn and answer any questions you may have!”

Date:  Monday, March 26th at 5pm.
Where:  Q2 Gym.

Monday, March 19th–Friday, March 23rd

What we are learning…

I can generate two different numerical patterns using two different rules. X is my independent variable, and Y is my dependent variable. I can plot these points on a coordinate plane.

-Language Arts: 
I can make predictions as I am reading a text.
I can compare and contract the characters, settings, and plots within different stories.
I can identify idioms as I am reading.

Utah Compose

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in my habitat group to create a saga (a song about Mars).
I am working in my habitat group to create a model of our life support system for Mars.

Looking Ahead…

  • Junior High Parent Meeting:  Monday, March 26th 6:00pm.
  • March Book Report Due:  Tuesday, March 27th.
  • Spring Break:  Monday, April 2nd—Friday, April 6th.
  • Mission to Mars Event:  Thursday, April 26th

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. 🙂

Parent Meeting

“We are excited to offer a Junior Parent Night! Come learn about all the exciting clubs, sports and events we offer at Q2. Our cutting-edge math program, Edgenuity, allows students a comprehensive and rewarding personalized learning experience. As Jr. High students, they have the opportunity to work will new teachers and take elective courses that interest them. Please join us for this informational Junior Parent Night to learn and answer any questions you may have!”