Monday, March 26th–Friday, March 2nd

What we are learning…

I can identify the “x axis” and “y axis” on a coordinate plane.
I understand that the first number tells me how far to travel along the x axis.
I understand that the second number tells me how far to travel along the y axis.
I can plot points on a coordinate plane to create a picture.

-Language Arts: 
I can identify a stanza and meter in a poem.
I can identify the theme of a poem.
I can identify a simile and metaphor in reading, and write the meaning of the phrase.

Utah Compose

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in my habitat group to create a saga (a song about Mars).

Looking Ahead…
Unit 4 Language Arts Assessment:  Wednesday-Friday, March 7th-9th.
Discovery Gateway In School Field Trip: Wednesday, March 7th
Maturation Class Girls:  Tuesday, March 13th 8:45-9:45am.
Maturation Class Boys:  Tuesday, March 13th 9:45-10:45am.
Quarter 3 Ends:  Friday, March 16th

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. 

Thursday, February 22nd PTC Schedule

You will find today’s Parent Teacher Conference Schedule listed below. I am excited to meet with you all today. Your child has grown so much since the beginning of the school year. Today is their day to shine! 🙂 

Please be sure to arrive on time, or a few minutes early, to your scheduled conference time. I will be sticking to the 15 minute time increment for each conference.Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 8.17.57 AM

Tuesday, February 20th PTC Schedule

You will find today’s Parent Teacher Conference Schedule listed below. I am excited to meet with you all today. Your child has grown so much since the beginning of the school year. Today is their day to shine! 🙂 

Please be sure to arrive on time, or a few minutes early, to your scheduled conference time. I will be sticking to the 15 minute time increment for each conference.

Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 6.25.04 AM

Parent Teacher Conferences

I am so excited to meet with the parents and students who have already signed up for Parent Teacher Conferences later this afternoon and evening. If you have not yet signed up for a conference time, I still have a few spots left open for today.

If you have not yet signed up for a conference time by 6:00pm today, Tuesday, February 20th, I will assign both yourself and your child a time to meet with me on Thursday, February 22nd. You will be notified of your conference time tomorrow afternoon (when I send home a reminder slip with your child).

Please click on the link below to sign up for conferences. 
Sign Up: Parent Teacher Conferences

Parents Welcome: Maturation Class

Please join your son or daughter for the 5th grade maturation presentation.
It will be held Tuesday, March 13th in the Q2 gym.

 The girl’s session will begin at 8:45 AM. 
The boy’s session will begin at 9:45 AM.

 Each session should take no longer than an hour. The fifth grade boys will be seeing a film about boys. The fifth grade girls will be seeing a film about girls. It will introduce the subject of puberty, the time when our body starts changing from a child to an adult.

I will provide a permission form at Parent Teacher Conferences that will need to be signed to either grant or deny permission for your child to attend this event. 

Tuesday, February 20th–Friday, February 23rd

What we are learning…

-I can find the volume of a 3D shape by multiplying the height, width, and length together.
-Review: I can interpret multiplying two fractions together by resizing (look at the second factor, and determine if the first factor will increase, decrease, or stay the same).
-Review: I can multiply fractions together using real-world story problems.

-Language Arts: 
I can summarize a text both verbally and in writing.
I can identify the author’s point of view.
I can identify words or phrases I may not understand by looking for context clues.
I can use possessive pronouns in my speech and writing.

Utah Compose

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in my habitat group, and together we are creating a patch and saga to present at  Weber State University.

Looking Ahead…
Math Assessments: Thursday, February 22nd
Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday, February 20th & Thursday, February 22nd
Maturation Class Girls:  Tuesday, March 13th 8:45-9:45am.
Maturation Class Boys:  Tuesday, March 13th 9:45-10:45am.

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. 🙂

Dollar Dress Down Day, TOMORROW!

The school is having a fundraiser tomorrow. Last week some of the junior high kids came and talked to us about finding a cure for cancer. If your student collected any donated money for the cure for cancer, please have your student bring their money to school tomorrow morning.

Additionally, we are having a DOLLAR DRESS DOWN DAY tomorrow, Friday, February 16th. All money will be donated to “Every Kid Needs a HERO.”

Magnet Google Slides

Magnet Google Slides are Due by: Friday, February 16th 
  **The Google Slides are to be completed at home.**

Slide 1:    Magnets “Catchy Title”

Slide 2:    Magnet Characteristics(definition / picture)
                What part of the magnet attracts things.

Slide 3:    List 5 examples of objects that are attracted to magnets(list / picture)

Slide 4:   Compass Characteristics(definition / picture)
               What must a compass have in order for it to point north?
               What is the magnetic rock called inside a compass?

Slide 5:   Earth’s Magnetic Field Characteristics(definition / picture)
               What shape is the magnetic field?
               How do animals use the magnetic field?
               How is the Earth’s magnetic field similar to the magnetic field of a bar magnet?

Slide 6:   Electromagnet Characteristics(definition / picture)
               Describe how an electromagnet works.

Slide 7:  Compass Characteristics(definition / picture)
              Why does a compass needle point north?
              Describe the steps needed to make a compass.

Slide 8:  Magnets in Today’s World(list / picture)
               List 5 examples of objects that use magnets in today’s world.

Biography Costumes

Please remember that the costumes for your Biography Historical Figure are due tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13th. Your child is welcome to bring their costume in their backpack or another bag. They will need to wear their school uniform, and later they will change into their costume.

Please let me know if you have any questions. A few students have already recorded their speeches on Seesaw, and they are amazing!

Valentine’s Day Reminders

Valentine’s Day is on WEDNESDAY!! 🙂

  -If your child chooses to bring Valentine’s Day cards, please make sure he or she brings enough cards for every student in the class. There are 22 students in our class. Please also know there cannot be any food items included with the card, but if you want to include a small non-food item that is okay.

  -If your child wants to bring an already decorated box or bag to school so he or she can collect their Valentine’s Day cards that is perfectly okay. The box or bag needs to come from home, as we will not be decorating them in class.

  -If your child has a “special someone” they want to exchange a Valentine’s Day gift with, he or she will need to do the exchanging in the hallway.

  -Our school party will begin after lunch from 1:00–3:00pm. Thank you to all of the parents who are donating our food items to make our party successful and fun! The kids are very excited!!

  -School uniforms are required to be worn throughout the day.

Please let me know if you have any questions.