Parents Welcome: Maturation Class

Please join your son or daughter for the 5th grade maturation presentation.
It will be held Tuesday, March 13th in the Q2 gym.

 The girl’s session will begin at 8:45 AM. 
The boy’s session will begin at 9:45 AM.

 Each session should take no longer than an hour. The fifth grade boys will be seeing a film about boys. The fifth grade girls will be seeing a film about girls. It will introduce the subject of puberty, the time when our body starts changing from a child to an adult.

I will provide a permission form at Parent Teacher Conferences that will need to be signed to grant or deny permission for your child to attend this event. 

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on
Tuesday, February 20th from 3:15-8:00pm and
Thursday, February 22nd from 3:30-8:00pm. 

Please select the time you would like to come and meet with me. Simply click on the day and time that works best for you, and enter in both your child’s name and your name(s) as well. I am excited to meet with all of you!

Please Note: If you are needing to change your conference date and time, please notify me by email 24 hours before your scheduled time. Thank you!

Parent Teacher Conferences: Sign Up

Monday, February 12th–Friday, February 16th

What we are learning…

I can find the volume of a 3D shape by multiplying the height, width, and length together.
I know the difference between a 2D shape and a 3D shape.
I can answer questions by gathering data from a line plot.

  -Language Arts: 
I can summarize a text both verbally and in writing.
I can identify the author’s point of view.
I can identify prefixes and suffixes in words.
I can write complete sentences ensuring my pronouns and verbs are in agreement.

I can read an information text and identify the following:
Most important sentences the author wrote
Key words within the text
Organize my writing to write a strong conclusion.
Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in my habitat group, and together we are creating a patch and saga to present at  Weber State University.

Looking Ahead…
Math Assessments (Line Plot): Friday, February 16th
Biography Costumes Due: Monday or Tuesday, February 12th or 13th
Valentine’s Day Party:  Wednesday, February 14th
President’s Day, No School: Monday, February 19th
Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday, February 20th & Thursday, February 22nd

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. 🙂

Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day is next week! It feels like this year is already flying by so quickly. Here are a few reminders for our big day…

  -If your child chooses to bring Valentine’s Day cards, please make sure he or she brings enough cards for every student in the class. There are 22 students in our class. Please also know there cannot be any food items included with the card, but if you want to include a small non-food item that is okay.

  -If your child wants to bring an already decorated box or bag to school so he or she can collect their Valentine’s Day cards that is perfectly okay. The box or bag needs to come from home, as we will not be decorating them in class.

  -If your child has a “special someone” they want to exchange a Valentine’s Day gift with, he or she will need to do the exchanging in the hallway.

  -Our school party will begin after lunch from 1:00–3:00pm. Thank you to all of the parents who are donating our food items to make our party successful and fun! The kids are very excited!!

  -School uniforms are required to be worn throughout the day.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, February 20th from 3:15-8:00pm and Thursday, February 22nd from 3:30-8:00pm.  Please select the time you would like to come and meet with me. Simply click on the day and time that works best for you, and enter in both your child’s name and your name(s) as well. I am excited to meet with all of you!

Please Note: If you are needing to change your conference date and time, please notify me by email 24 hours before your scheduled time. Thank you!

Parent Teacher Conferences: Sign Up

Monday, February 5th–Friday, February 9th

What we are learning…

Review:  I can multiply two fractions.
Review:  I can divide two fractions.
I can make a line plot to display data.

-Language Arts: 
I can practice visualizing as  I am reading tall tales.
I can identify the author’s point of view.
I can identify adages and proverbs.
I can identify different types of pronouns.

I can read an information text and identify the following:
Most important sentences the author wrote
Key words within the text
Organize my writing to write a strong conclusion.
Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in my habitat group, and together we are creating a patch and saga to present at  Weber State University.

Looking Ahead…

  • Math Assessments & Science Test:  Friday, February 9th
  • Biography Bookmark Due: Friday, February 9th
  • Biography Costumes Due: Monday or Tuesday, February 12th or 13th
  • Valentine’s Day Party:  Wednesday, February 14th
  • President’s Day, No School: Monday, February 19th
  • Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday, February 20th & Thursday, February 22nd

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. 🙂

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, February 29th and Thursday, 22nd, from 3:15-8:00pm.  Please select the time you would like to come and meet with me. Simply click on the day and time that works best for you, and enter in both your child’s name and your name(s) as well. I am excited to meet with all of you!

Please Note: If you are needing to change your conference date and time, please email me 24 hours before your scheduled time. Thank you!

Parent Teacher Conferences: Sign Up

Maturation Class

5th Grade will be doing their maturation class on Tuesday, March 13th.
Parents are invited to attend your child’s maturation class.

Girls Maturation Class:  8:45-9:45am
Boy’s Maturation Class:  9:45-10:45am

5th Grade Choir–Form Needed by Friday

The 5th Grade will begin their after school club very soon. Our club session will be “Fifth Grade Choir” with Mrs. Parr and Mrs. Young! Yay!! The club will be held every Tuesday from 3:10–3:45pm beginning Tuesday, February 6th and ending Tuesday, March 13th. Due to Parent Teacher Conferences, there will be no club on Tuesday, February 20th.

If you are interested, please fill out the form below, and return it to me by Friday, February 2nd. 

5th Grade Choir Club Form