Monday, November 27th–Friday, December 1st

Welcome back!! I hope you all had a nice and relaxing Thanksgiving Break. It is amazing how fast the year is going, with that being said, we have a full week of learning ahead. Yay! 🙂

What we are learning…

-I can turn a fraction into a mixed number, rewrite the fraction with like denominators, and add or subtract two fractions together.
-I can read a story problem and solve it by turning the numbers into a mixed number, rewrite the fraction with like denominators, and add or subtraction two fractions together.

  -Language Arts:
-I can identify the theme of a story.
-I can summarize a text orally and in writing.
-I can make my writing more interesting by including action verbs.

-I can identify what causes static electricity.
-I can identify what causes lightning.
-I can understand what causes electricity to work.
-I can identify what circuits need to be in place for a lightbulb to light up.

-I can read an information text and identify the following:
-Most important sentences the author wrote
-Key words within the text
-Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

Looking Ahead…

Please make sure you are completing your homework. All homework assignments are due every Friday. Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom.

Monday, November 13th–Friday, November 17th

What we are learning…

I can find equivalent fractions.
I can use equivalent fractions to rewrite the fraction with like denominators.
I can simplify the answer by finding the Greatest Common Factor.
I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
I can add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators.

Language Arts:
Review material taught throughout Unit 2.
Unit 2 Test

I can identify what causes static electricity.
I can identify what causes lightning.

I can read an information text and identify the following:
Most important sentences the author wrote
Key words within the text
Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

Looking Ahead
Thanksgiving Break:   Monday, November 20th—Friday, November 24th.

Please make sure you are completing your homework. All homework assignments are due every Friday. Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom.

You’re Invited!

Grandparents and Pastries
Stop in with your Grandparents (or another special person) during our Scholastic Book Fair, and enjoy a pastry before school.

Last Name:  A–M     Tuesday, November 7th
Last Name:  N–Z      Thursday, November 9th

Q1 Lunchroom

Monday, November 6th–Friday, November 10th

What we are learning…

I can move up and down the metric system ladders.
I can convert between the standard system and metric system.

-Language Arts:
I can identify homographs when reading.
I can read a draft and make necessary changes to create a more meaningful piece of writing.
I can reread a text and answer comprehension questions that come directly from the text.


I can read a fairytale and look at the different components.
I can envision changes to the fairytale and begin brainstorming ideas for my own fractured fairytale.
I can identify and correct errors in my own writing, including: capital letters, spaces between words, punctuation, descriptive words, etc. 

Looking Ahead…

  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Conferences will be this week. Please check the schedule for your time. If you did not sign up for a time, I scheduled you a time to meet with me. Please be on time to your conference, as I will be sticking to the fifteen minute timeframe.
  • Scholastic Book Fair: The book fair will be held Monday, November 6th—Friday, November 10th. The Book Fair will be held in the Q1 Gym.
  • Cinderella Play at Freemont High School:  The entire 5th Grade will be attending the Cinderella Play put on by Freemont High School on Thursday, November 9th. As we will be taking buses for transportation, we will not be needing any parent chaperones. The kids are excited to see the play!
  • Canned Food Drive: The food drive is going on through Friday of this week. Please bring canned items only. We will be collecting the food in our classroom. The class who collects the most canned food items will win a prize from administration. If your child brings in 5+ cans of food this week, they will be able to have a Dress Down Day on FRIDAY, November 10th.
  • Student Treasures:  I am so happy to announce that this week we will finish our Fractured Fairytale Books!! Wahoo!! Your child has spent many hours brainstorming, writing, rewriting, typing, and illustrating their pages either with their own drawings or clipart. The books look great on the computer screen, and I cannot wait to see them in print! If you ordered a book, the books should arrive in mid December (before Christmas break).


  • Please make sure you are completing your homework. All homework assignments are due every Friday. Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom.

DUE: Student Treasures Order Forms

Just a reminder…. Your child has been working so hard on their fractured fairytale, and I am so excited to see their work in print. 🙂   As a reminder, I need all order forms returned tomorrow, Thursday, November 2nd.

Please know that you do not need to purchase a hardbound book for your child. Every child who turns in an order form, will receive a FREE PAPERBACK version of their book. If you do not want to purchase a book, please complete the following so your child can receive their free book….
  -Student Name
  -“NO Box” selected (found at the bottom of the page)
  -Parent Signature

If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have somehow misplaced the order form, please send me a quick email and I will give your child a new form tomorrow. I will mail all order forms to the book publisher on Monday, November 6th. It is crunch time, and our stories are amazing!! 🙂

5th Grade STEM Club

5th Grade will be beginning the first club of the year! The club is a STEM Club, and the students will be having to complete a challenge in an allotted amount of time each week. If you are interested, please print off the attached form, and turn it into your child’s teacher.

Note: The participants will be selected on a first-come-first-serve basis. You will know if your child is selected once you receive an email from either Mrs. Jacques or Mrs. Trujillo. If you have any questions, please let me know!

The deadline for submissions is Monday, November 6th.

Club Form