Individual School Pictures

We just completed two wonderful days of school! We are going to have a fantastic year, and I am so excited to be teaching 5th Grade! 

Just a quick reminder…We will be having individual class pictures taken on Monday, August 21st. Your child will need to wear their school uniform for their pictures. The picture order forms were sent home today. If you are interested in purchasing the class pictures, please fill out the form and return it to school. You may include the payment in the envelope provided, or pay online. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Reminders: First Day of School

I want to thank all of the parents and students who came to Back to School Night last night. It was fun to see my new students, and begin putting faces to names. I am looking forward to a great year!!

Also, thank you to the many parents who brought in school supplies last night or donated money to the office. If your child hasn’t already brought in the items listed below to school, please make sure they bring them tomorrow morning:
  • backpack
  • pencil box
  • ear phones (in a plastic bag)
Please remember the school doors will be open at 8:00am on Wednesday morning, so if your child wants to bring in any additional supplies they may do so at this time. Thursday morning, all students will need to stay outside and line up when the bell rings at 8:25am. I will meet them outside at this time, and will walk them into the classroom.

We are off to an amazing start of the year already! Thank YOU!!

Back to School Night

I am so excited to meet you all in a few days. As I am sure many of you know, Back to School Night will be held on Monday, August 14th from 5:30-7:30. I have created a Google Slides Presentation that will cover my classroom procedures and expectations. I will begin a new presentation every 30 minutes. 

If you have any questions, please bring them to Back to School Night. Please know you are always more than welcome to email me at

I am looking forward to meeting you all soon. Enjoy the last few breaths of summer!