Global Literacy Project


What is our Global Community?

Each year in the Q1 library, we like to encourage students to share
their family’s heritage during our Global Literacy week. In year’s
past we’ve done a Diversity Quilt, which showed family traditions
and flags representing the family’s origins. We’ve also done a
“Peace” wall to show the different languages in which our diverse
population of students would say the word Peace. This year I
would like to display on a map where our students come from.
Show them a visual of our “Global Community” here at Quest. By
doing this we would like to know what State or Country your
student was born, or if your student would prefer, where their
family originates from. We will then put their name on a “sticky”
arrow & place them on the map. I think this will be a fun way to
show how diverse our student population is here in West haven,

For responding, your students name will also be entered into a
drawing to win a small prize here in the library. There will be one
winner per class.

It really is fun to see where we all originate from & have the
students start thinking a little more Globally. Also possibly finding
a kinship with students from the same areas of the world. 

Click the Link to Participate

Thank you for participating!
Mrs. Anderson
Q1 Librarian

Chapter Summaries Due on MONDAY!


Chapter Summaries Due:  Monday, January 7, 2019

You can access the “Google Doc” to complete the chapter summaries on Google Classroom.

Please submit all chapter summaries through Google Classroom. If you have shared your chapter summaries with me through Google Docs, you will need to resubmit them through Google Classroom.

  • You will read a 200+ page book.  
  • You will write one paragraph about each chapter, as you read it.  A good paragraph gives many details and consists of at least 7 sentences with at least 10 words in each sentence.  
  • You will submit the Google Doc after the book has been read, and all chapter summaries have been written. You will submit the Google Doc through Google Classroom.
  • We will complete the book report in class.
  • Have fun reading!! 

Wednesday, January 2nd–Friday, January 4th


Classroom Schedule

Wednesday: Math Review, Library, Informative Essay Writing
Thursday: Math Review, Informative Essay Writing
Friday: Math Review

School Announcements

  • Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries: Due on Monday, January 7th
  • Quarter 2 Ends: Friday, January 11th
  • Nova Graduation: Wednesday, January 16th at 2:00pm. Parents are welcome to attend (more information to come).

Friday of this Week!


Merry Christmas, Everyone!

I want to let you know what will be going on Friday, December 14th.

  • Students are welcome to wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater. If you do not have a Christmas sweater, you are welcome to wear free dress.
  • Students will participate in our annual Christmas Sing-A-Long, with third and fourth grades. This is always a lot of fun.
  • Students will participate in 5th Grade’s Christmas Party. 
  • School dismisses at 1:30pm. It is officially Christmas Break! Yay!! 🙂
  • There will be no school from Monday, December 17th–Tuesday, January 1st. School will resume on Wednesday, January 2nd at 8:25am. I hope you all have a nice, relaxing, and safe Christmas Break!

Class Christmas Party


On December 14th, our class will be having our Christmas Party.  Students will be participating in a variety of activities within the different 5th Grade Classrooms.  One of those activities will involve a treat.  Please sign the permission slip below letting me know if your student is allowed to have the treat.  

Permission Form

Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries Due Date


Chapter Summaries Due:  Monday, January 7, 2019

You can access the “Google Doc” to complete the chapter summaries on Google Classroom.

  • You will read a 200+ page book.  
  • You will write one paragraph about each chapter, as you read it.  A good paragraph gives many details and consists of at least 7 sentences with at least 10 words in each sentence.  
  • You will submit the Google Doc after the book has been read, and all chapter summaries have been written. You will submit the Google Doc through Google Classroom.
  • We will complete the book report in class.
  • Have fun reading!! 

Reindeer Run Winners!! Go 5th Grade!

download (10)
A few weeks ago, Quest families participated in the Reindeer Run. There were so many 5th Grade students who participated in the Reindeer Run (the highest number of students per grade level), and we now get to have a party! Yay!! 

Dart Side will be coming to Quest on Wednesday, December 12th. What a fun day!!

Monday, December 10th–Friday, December 14th


Classroom Schedule

Monday: Math Test Paper
Tuesday:   Math Test iREADY, STEM
Wednesday: Dart Side, Library
Friday: Christmas-Sing-Along, Class Christmas Party

School Announcements

  • Christmas Break: Monday, December 17th—Tuesday, January 1st. School resumes Wednesday, January 2nd.
  • Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries: Due on Monday, January 7th
  • Quarter 2 Ends: Friday, January 11th

Pancakes & Pajamas


Join in the FUN!! School Lunch on Wednesday, December 12th will be pancakes. Everyone loves pancakes, and to make pancakes even better everyone is welcome to wear the pajamas. How comfy and warm!!

If students do not want to wear their pajamas, they are welcome to wear their school uniform.