Halloween Reminders from Administration

If this is your first year at Quest, please review our wellness policy regarding food in the classroom. As Halloween is approaching, parents often ask if their children can bring candy to share for their classroom Halloween party. According to our wellness policy, students are not allowed to bring treats to share. Information regarding Halloween party treats will be given to parents one week prior to the party. All parents are required to give permission for their students to consume treats during these activities.

Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed. 

-Quest Administration



Halloween Parade

The school will have a Halloween Parade. Students are welcome to dress up. However, costumes need to be free of masks, bloody face or bloody body paint, and weapons of any kind. Thank you for following the school’s policy on costumes. The parade will be from 9:00-10:00am.

Halloween Party
Fifth Grade will be having Halloween rotations for our class party. A glazed donut will be provided for your student to enjoy, but please sign the permission slip that is found below.
Donut Permission Form

Early Dismissal
School will dismiss at 1:30pm. School will resume the next morning, Thursday, November 1st at 8:25am.

Monday, October 29th–Friday, November 2nd


Classroom Schedule

Monday: Math-Unit 1 Assessment
Tuesday: Math-Unit 1 Assessment, STEM Lab
Wednesday: Halloween Parade, Halloween Class Party, Early OUT!
Friday: Wonders Weekly Test, Dibbles Progress Monitoring, Creative Writing Friday, Early OUT!

School Announcements

  • Halloween: Wednesday, October 31st school will dismiss at 1:30pm.
  • Halloween Permission Form: On blog, and needs to be signed.
  • Field Trip: Leonardo Museum Tuesday, November 13th.
  • Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries: Due on Monday, January 7th

Math This Week

This week in math we are taking our Unit 1 Assessment on Base Ten Numbers. The students have learned so much. We will take the assessment on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Later this week, we are beginning our Unit 2 which is on Fractions. Yay!! If you want to work more at home, please feel free to download the fun Family Activity Page.

Lesson 10

Leonardo Museum Field Trip

On Tuesday, November 13th, the fifth grade will be going on their first field trip to the Leonardo Museum in Salt Lake. We will be taking the Frontrunner Train to Salt Lake and back, and will be using Trax while in Salt Lake. Students will be required to meet at the Roy Front Runner Station that morning, no later than 8:30 am. We will be catching the 8:42 train to Salt Lake. Students will then be required to be picked up at the Roy Frontrunner Station that afternoon. We will be arriving at 3:16 pm. Each student will also be required to bring their own sack lunch and a backpack to carry it in. We are asking for a $5 donation to help cover the cost of the train and a workshop at the museum. Please pay the donation to either of the school offices.

Parent volunteers are also needed. However, we are asking that you please leave younger children/siblings at home. We do not have a limit to the number of volunteers that can come.

Please complete the form below indicating whether or not your student will be allowed to attend and that you understand the requirements of this field trip.

Permission Form for Field Trip

Positive Me Week :)


Monday, October 29th–Friday, November 2nd 

Monday–Hat Day
“Scare away bad health” by wearing your favorite hat!

Tuesday–Team Jersey Day
“Scare away bullies” by wearing a team jersey or t-shirt!

“Scare up some fun” by wearing your Halloween costume!

Thursday–Super Hero Day
“Scare away negativity” by wearing your favorite super hero shirt!

Friday–Crazy Hair Day
“Scare away drugs” by having crazy hair!



Where has the time gone….I cannot believe Halloween is next week. Here are a few reminders about the day’s festivities.

Halloween Parade
The school will have a Halloween Parade. Students are welcome to dress up. However, costumes need to be free of masks, bloody face or body paint, and weapons of any kind. Thank you for following the school’s policy on costumes.

Halloween Party
Fifth Grade will be having Halloween rotations for our class party. A glazed donut will be provided for your student to enjoy, but please sign the permission slip that is found below.
Donut Permission Form

Early Dismissal
School will dismiss at 1:30pm. School will resume the next morning, Thursday, November 1st at 8:25am.

Quarter 2 Homework: Chapter Summaries


Chapter Summaries Due:  Monday, January 7, 2019

You can access the “Google Doc” to complete the chapter summaries on Google Classroom.

  • You will read a 200+ page book.  
  • You will write one paragraph about each chapter, as you read it.  A good paragraph gives many details and consists of at least 7 sentences with at least 10 words in each sentence.  
  • You will submit the Google Doc after the book has been read, and all chapter summaries have been written. You will submit the Google Doc through Google Classroom.
  • We will complete the book report in class.
  • Have fun reading!! 

Monday, October 22nd–Friday, October 26th


Classroom Schedule
Tuesday:  Watt Smart Presentation, STEM Lab
Wednesday: Library, and NOVA
Friday:  Dibbles Progress Monitoring, Creative Writing Friday, Early OUT!

School Announcements

  • Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 25th. Please arrive on time to your conference, as I will be following the schedule exactly.
  • Scholastic Book Fair: Q1 Gym this week J
  • Halloween: Wednesday, October 31st school will dismiss at 1:30pm.
  • Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries:  Due on Monday, January 7th