Extra Precautions

Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 4.48.38 PM
I have noticed that a lot of students have come in coughing and with runny noses.  It is cold outside and I think that makes it hard, but it is also the height of flu season so please remind your students of good hand washing and the right way to blow their noses.  We are disinfecting desk surfaces and have hand sanitizer out all over the classroom and encourage everyone to use that in addition to good hand washing.  I have also noticed several students have come in really tired.  The clock will be moving forward soon for the time change, and this is a good time to get our students a little extra sleep to prepare them for that in addition to helping their immune systems.  They are so precious we want to do all we can.  Thank you for your support.  

Mrs. Gieseke
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