Upcoming Events

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Vision Screening is Coming!

We will have a vision screenings that will take place on October 10th.  If you prefer that your child not be screened, please contact the Quest office.   We are looking for volunteers to help with vision screenings from 8:30 to noon on October 10th.  If interested, please contact Mrs. Goldsberry at sgoldsberry@questac.org.  Thank you so much for keeping your eyes on us.

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Message from POQA

Tomorrow October 4th is the Start of our Can Drive, We are trying to generate as much money/cans as possible this year.
Please bring in at least one Dollar tomorrow for the kick off of the Can drive and your child can dress down tomorrow for doing so.

This if for a great cause and we are honored to be able to be part of it again this year.

Again tomorrow is Oct. 4th and is Dollar dress down day.

Also Oct. 9th is Family night at the Rush Funplex in Syracuse.  Bring your entire family and skate for free.  They will be offering a $5.00 pass that gives you unlimited activities also.  Come support Quest Academy and enjoy a wonderful family night at the Rush Funplex.  time is from 6pm to 8pm
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Volunteer Schedule

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This is what I have down for the volunteer schedule.  We are so excited to have parents coming in to read and help with sight words and math  Thank you for your help!  If there are others that would like to be added please email me and we will put you on the schedule.  

-Mrs. Gieseke
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Optional Review 9/30 -10/4 Language Arts

Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.

This is what we are working on this week in language arts block: Screen Shot 2019-10-02 at 4.50.25 PM
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Optional Review 9/30-10/4

**Please let me stress that this is optional practice for your student, not required.  We do ask for students to read 20+ minutes every day to develop their love for reading.  

1- Optional Math Practice

  • The family letter below provides review in math that you can do with your student.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together. 
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Upcoming Events

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Teacher Ease Grading

You will be receiving an email from administration today on how to login to see your child’s grades. Please take the time to click on the link they send you to activate an account. If you just go to the TeacherEase website you won’t be able to login.
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Calling all parents

Our class is ready for parent volunteers.  Please email me the times and days that you are available to lgieseke@questac.org so that we can put together a schedule.  The main thing that we need help with is helping students to publish their writing and helping students to polish their reading.  If this is something that you can come to the school and do, we would love to have you come one or more mornings a week.  If mornings do not work for you, do not fret we also have afternoon times as well and there are things that I can have you do from home. 

When emailing please include students name, parent name, best time to volunteer, and if you are able to commit to a regular schedule or just here and there (we take both).  

Thank you for all of your support.
Volunteers make our classroom amazing!

-Mrs. Gieseke
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Language Arts Optional Review

Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.
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