Optional Review

I know that some of you have been concerned about not having homework for your students.  Because of this I will post things for you each week.  Please remember that this is optional review and will not need to be turned in.  Also remember that this is not in place of reading each night which is still the very best thing that you can do to help your student.  Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 4.15.07 PM Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 4.15.36 PM
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Field Trip

Our field trip to the zoo is tomorrow.  Please send students in a red uniform shirt and don’t forget their lunch.  If you signed up to be a chaperone please bring your lunch and meet at the school at 8:30.  Those of you that said you would ride the bus thank you for coming with us on the bus, those of you that will follow in the car, that is great too.  If you have a family pass to get in free please bring it so that we can cut down on those we have to pay for.  Thank you in advance for all the help.  We could not do it with out you and I am so grateful for wonderful help.  

-Mrs.  Gieseke
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Happy Birthday Dillon!

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Field Trip

I have several students who do not have a permission slip signed so that they can go to the zoo.  Please look at the following form and if you have not already filled it out, please do that.  Otherwise your student will not be able to go on the field trip with us next week.  Here is the link:


Thank you

Mrs. Gieseke
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Time For A Change


Effective 9-10-19
Our administration has encouraged us NOT to send homework home.  As a result I will no longer be sending home any homework packets.  Students may still finish the one they have or you may toss it, that is up to you and your student.  We would still like you to read with your student each night and focus on quality literature and reading. This is the best thing that  you can do to increase their learning according to new research.  If you need ideas on where to find quality books on their level please let me know, as I am always happy to assist you in anyway I can with their education.  

Thank you!

-Mrs. Gieseke
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Educational Permission Slip

As we get started with more hands on activities, we would like to start doing science and art which involve tasting different foods, painting, and other  sensory activities.  In order to do this we need a permission slip stating that your child can participate in educational activities as well as parties close to holidays.  Please look this permission slip over and let me know if you have any questions.  Also please let me know if your child has any health allergies.  It is VERY IMPORTANT that we have all allergies noted.  

Thank you for your help
Please fill out this Educational Activity Permission https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfd24wxatRB6Q_TzIDBr9V9lZOL8oHDf4UwQbMA7ItW1wTOuA/viewform?usp=sf_link
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Zoo Field Trip

We are going to Hogle Zoo on September 17th for our first field trip of first grade.  In order to prepare for this we need you to follow the link and fill out the permission slip and let us know … Continue reading

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Birthday Celebrations

Now that we have our feet securely on the ground, we would like to start celebrating birthdays in the classroom.  We have created the following birthday celebration schedule.  Please let me know if this date doesn’t work for you or your student and we can adjust.  
Click here to see the schedule:

Thank you!
-Mrs.  Gieseke
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Happy Birthday Alex!

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Happy Birthday A.J.

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