Happy Birthday Corbynn

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Student Fundraiser Goal


           On Wednesday August 28th, our class got their order forms for the “Schools Building Schools Fundraiser”.  Our goal is to sell 10 items per student (average).  If we are able to reach this goal then we will be able to have a dance party.  You are welcome to take order forms to work or around the neighborhood and the notebooks and journals make great Christmas or birthday presents.  Feel free to email me with any questions or check Quest’s for video explanations.  Thank you for your support with this. 

Mrs. Gieseke    

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It’s been a great start!

We have had a great first few days.  We are getting the hang of things and know how our classroom works.  We are getting better at things each day.  Today the students brought home a book and a puppet to share with you.  Please ask them about their mouse puppet and book.  Their homework packet will be due Friday.  If they did not get one please email me so that I can put one in their take home folder and send it home.  The main thing that I am concerned about is that they get in the habit of  turning it in and reading most nights.  
*If you have not already sent headphones for your student please do that, so that we can start using electronic devices. 
If you have any other questions please email me at lgieseke@questac.org

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Back to School Presentation

Happy pre first day of school!  Just a reminder that it is a half day (1:00pm dismissal) and students will need either a home lunch or a school lunch for tomorrow.  You are welcome to walk your student into the school and then we will get started right at 8:25 am with school as usual.  Thank you for a wonderful start!

Thank you to all the students and parents that came to the Back to School Night.  It was so fun to meet you all there.  
For those of you that did not have a chance to see the presentation here is a link to view the back to school presentation.  I am really looking forward to tomorrow and the first day of  school.  Click here for the back to school night presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1foVOHxU7H7g820hBFPgNRyqj5XLEtpqaBeoTQqMgV6U/edit?usp=sharing

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Welcome to first grade

Welcome to Our Classroom Community!
I am very excited to welcome my new students into my first grade class community, where we all learn and grow together.  

In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to the class blog by entering your email and clicking “Subscribe” (found on the right sidebar). Once you enter your email, you will be sent a confirmation email.  You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription.  Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I post new information on the class blog.  

Please continue to read to your child and have them read to you during the summer!  The more he/she reads, the better prepared they will be for the upcoming school year :) 

I look forward to meeting with you and your family at 
Back to School Night 5:30-7:30pm on Friday, August 16 
Our first week of school is August 19-23.  These will all be short days excusing at 1pm.  
Have a wonderful summer break!
-Mrs. Gieseke

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Utah State Fair Read & Win-

State Fair

Read books and win a ticket to the Utah State Fair. Click here for details and to access the entry form: Utah State Fair Reading Program

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Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge-

Scholastic Reading

Help our school log the most summer reading minutes, beginning NOW: 

Scholastic Summer Reading  For Student Log Ins Click Here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1il9crGOteGxOZ2Et3QGrbHxBNzRuqH-VyX2wHYgItfg


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Davis County Libraries- “A Universe of Stories”

Davis County LibrariesCome join the summer fun! There’s something for everyone. For more information click here: Davis County Summer Reading

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Weber County Libraries

Yellow Blast off
Davis County Libraries “Blast off with Books” Reading Program
Register today for the summer reading program.  You can also download a summer reading packet and find monthly events here: Weber County Summer Reading 

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Summer Reading Programs

To encourage reading throughout the summer check out these fun summer reading programs:


Barnes and Noble- 
Summer Reading Program  

Fill out the reading journal, then bring your completed journal to a Barnes and Noble store to receive a FREE book.  Click here for more information and to print your own reading journal: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/h/summer-reading-lists?list=kidsbrages-0-7

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