Happenings this week

Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL
TUESDAY, MAY 28 – Early Out 1:30pm
   Ogden Nature Center visits 1st Grade: 

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29- Early Out 1:30pm
   Indoor FIELD DAY 
THURSDAY, MAY 30– Early Out 1:30pm
   Yearbook Signing   
  No Backpacks
  Last Day for Students

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Hill Aerospace Museum Field Trip


Due to the extensive high cost of the bus transportation for our field trip on Friday, we are asking for a head count of who will be taking their child with them after the field trip from the museum. We found that in previous years most parents have chosen to take their child from the museum, leaving us with an empty bus going home that we are still having to pay for. Can you please let us know as soon as possible if you will be checking out your child at the museum and taking them with you instead of riding the bus back to the school? Please note that upon arrival at the school, we will be arriving shortly before school is dismissed.

Our final field trip is Friday, May 24th from 9:30am-1:15pm to the Hill Aerospace Museum.  Please have your student wear their RED uniform shirt for this field trip.  They will need to bring a sack lunch from home unless they ordered one ahead of time.   We will be leaving the school promptly at 9:30am following the talent show assembly and returning to the school by 1:15pm.  We have our field trip groups arranged but you are happy to join your students group if you are not listed as a designated chaperone.  

**Chaperones:  Please bring a backpack to carry your groups lunches in.  You are able to eat lunch with your group when the children want to.  There are picnic tables out front.  We will have the students hold onto their lunches during the assembly and meet at the front picnic table area under the big bomber for a group photo and to gather your students lunches. 
Thank you so very much for being willing to chaperone a group of students!  We appreciate you! 

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Hill Aerospace Museum Field Trip & Ogden Nature Center

aerospace         Hawk 
We are excited for our upcoming 1st Grade field trip to the Hill Aerospace Museum on Friday, May 24th. And our in-school field trip with Ogden Nature Center on Tuesday, May 28th. We need to know what kind of lunch you would like.  Please click here in order to provide permission for your student to participate, and tell us your lunch preference.  No school lunches can be ordered after Friday May 17th.  So please click here and fill this out as soon as possible: https://forms.gle/jvc6rZSVRD4FkxnP9

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Baggy Books

hank you to all of you that have supported the baggy book program.  I hope that you have enjoyed the program throughout the year.  Please have your student return their books this Monday and they will get a trip to the treasure chest.  I appreciate all the volunteers that have made it possible.  You guys are the best!

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School Carnival Volunteers Needed

Cliparts School Carnival 15

Quest needs your help to make the School Carnival the best ever.  Please sign up using the link below.  Thank you for keeping Quest the Best!!! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4EADA722A7FF2-quest

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Water bottles

water bottleWater bottles are encouraged for all students.  I would like each student to bring a water bottle and leave it in their cubby so that they can get drinks easily without having to leave the classroom.  
Thank you,
Mrs. Gieseke


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End of Year Treats

kids cheeringThe first full week of May we will be doing our reading tests and end of year skills tests.  We would like to give the students gold fish, smarties, and gummy bears (one treat per day and per test).  We need your permission for this and would like you to fill out the permission slip linked below.  Please email me if you have questions or concerns. 

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Last Day for Library

The last day for library will be May 6-10th.  All library books must be turned by May 10th.  Thank you!

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This Friday

We are so excited to announce that this Friday we will be having an optional dress down day. This is a very special dress down day for Mrs. McBride. The money from this dress down will go directly to a project that Mrs. McBride and her son are working on. In July, they will be going to Fiji on a service trip to help families in the village of Narikoso. This village was directly hit by Cyclone Winston and is still recovering over two years later. They will be helping in rebuilding structures as well as helping the villagers with business development, personal hygiene, sustainability, and English lessons. If you would like to donate money you can bring money for the dress down day this Friday. Thank you so much for your help and support for this exciting project.


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Arts Festival

Arts Festival-Friday, April 26th from 5:00-8:00PM @ Quest Academy
art clipart
-World’s Best Corndogs and Waffle Love food trucks
-Coloring Contest (K-5th grade) with prizes
-Chalk Art Contest with prizes
-Arts Showcase, categories are: pencil, colored pencil, paint/watercolor, photography, and other (sculpture, origami, pastels, chalk, etc.) with prizes
-Shirt Tie Dying
-Group Art Project

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