Flat Friend Form

Today your student brought home a form to record their address to send out their Flat Friend.  Please help them fill it out and return it to school as soon as possible.  This is what the form looks like.  If it gets lost them please just email me the address that you would like their Flat Friend to go to along with who it is going to.  Thank you for the support on our projects. 
 flat friend

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Pizza Party

Our class is having a pizza party and special activities as we continue to study shapes and how to divide them into equal parts as fractions.  To do this we would like to have and serve pizza.  In order to do this we need to have a permission slip for all students to be able to participate.  Please fill out this form and indicate whether or not your student has permission to be a part of the activity.https://forms.gle/r6fqwz3j6iT6yHPS7 

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Flat Stanley Project

Over the next couple weeks we will be bringing home letters to introduce our Flat Stanley projects. 
 Flat Stanley
f you would rather deliver your flat person over spring break along with travel please email me and I will send home the flat person and the letter with your student.  After spring break we will mail out our flat people to an address that the student (along with your help) chooses.   The host family will then mail Flat Stanley along with pictures to the school by May 1st for the class to read and enjoy.  Thank you for your support with this fun school project!  

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Help with Fieldtrips

We, as a first grade are struggling to meet our financial goal of being able to pay for our last field trip to Hill AFB.  We were hoping to be able to go there and also have the Nature Center come into first grade.  With the lack of donations toward field trips we are at risk of not being able to fund the transportation on the field trips.  If you have not paid your $10 donation for field trips and are now able to, we would be so grateful for that help.  We realize that not everyone can, and that is okay, but if possible it adds a lot to our students learning.  Thank you in advance for any help that we can get in this area.  With heart school bus mascot cartoon
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Last chance to PRE ORDER Class book

This is the last chance to pre-order our class book.  You can send in the form or you can go online to: studentreasures.com/preorder. When you do there is a link that says preorder and then you type in the city and state, name of the school, and then my name as the teacher.  Make sure that you spell Gieseke right (so that the money goes to the right book).  Then print it off and send it to me (via your student) and I will keep an eye out for it when they ship them to us sometime in May (I hope).  
They are going to be darling.  Your students have worked so  hard and they are a great keepsake.  I know I am really excited!

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Message From POQA

Are you having a difficult time getting your volunteer hours? Would you like to help the school and buy out your hours?  A donation of $150 will take care of your 30 hours for the 2018-2019 school year. If you don’t need your full 30 hours you can make a donation of $5 per hour you need. This donation will be used to put nice stamped cement along the front of the school where the grass won’t grow and creates a mud mess.  If you’re interested in volunteering and need ideas, please contact your students teacher or POQA.  If you have contact information for a person who lays cement or a person who can move a tree, please let Kitty McKissen at poqavp@gmail.com know. If you are unsure how many hours you have, refer to the email you received the beginning of the month from Help Counter or contact Catherine Sumner at csumner@questac.org  Please take your cash or check donation to Q1 or Q2 office.  If you need a receipt, let the office ladies know and POQA will gladly write one for you. Thank you for volunteering and helping make Quest the BEST!!!

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Online Resources for Our Students

There are some great resources for the students to use. Here are some of the programs that you can use at home.



www.prodigygame.com – Can be accessed through student links off of Quest’s website

Wonders – best accessed through student links off of quest’s website

If you need help with usernames or passwords please email me.  Enjoy these great resources.
-Mrs. Gieseke

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Here’s what we are doing in Language Art This Week:

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Leprechaun Luncheon Monday

CkoverAll students that turned in their homework on Friday are invited to come to my classroom on Monday for a special Leprechaun Luncheon.  They can bring their favorite green treat from home to eat whether they are having home or school lunch.  We will compare green favorite foods and discuss leprechaun behaviors.  It will be a fun time for all those able to attend.  Thank you for your support in helping them to succeed with turning in their homework each week.  

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Daddy Daughter Dance Tonight

Daddy Daughter Dance
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