Practice Makes Perfect

I am certainly learning the meaning of, “If at first you don’t succeed try, try, again.”  Please hang in there with me through the challenges of technology and blog corrections.  Please try my link for parent teacher-conferences again.  Thank you!

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Parent Teacher Conferences

Image result for Clip art parent teacher conferences

It is time to celebrate your student’s learning.  I am excited to learn about your student from you and share what I have learned about your student with you.  I would like you to sign up for a time that is convenient for your family and bring your student so that we can discuss their progress.  If you have any problems signing up please email me.  I look forward to this opportunity every year.  Thank you for making the time for a 15 minute visit with me click here:

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Mad Scientist Club

Our first grade Mad Scientist/Art Club is about to begin! 

Club will meet from 3:00-3:45 on the following Mondays: Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 26, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10.  Pick up near the front doors of Q1 is at 3:45 sharp!  The fee for this club will be $5.  The office will not accept applications before October 10th.

Admission into the club is limited to 40 students and will be on a first come, first serve basis. The first 40 contracts turned in to the Q1 office starting tomorrow, October 10th, will be accepted.  We will inform those who have been selected and you will have until October 23rd to turn in your fee or forfeit your space.  (Rules stated in the contract must be followed for continuation of club involvement).

Mad Scientist:Art Club Contract
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Breakfast Is Servedkids cheering

Quest Families,

We are excited to start serving breakfast on Monday at 7:45am in the Q1 gym! Please click here (please let us know if the link doesn’t work) to watch a video regarding procedures that should be followed for dropping students off for breakfast. The front doors will not be open until 8am still, so it’s important for you to watch the video for details about where and when students should be dropped off. As a reminder, students who do not qualify for free or reduced meals, will be charged $1.50 for breakfast. We thank Kristen Hales and our lunch staff for putting all this together!

Quest Administration 


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Menu Change:
Image result for menu clipart free

From Quest Administration – There will a menu change for Monday Oct. 1st and Monday Oct. 8th, we are unable to get Wild Mike’s Cheese Bites for a few weeks.

Monday Oct. 1st replacement will be –  Apple Cinnamon French Toast and Sausage
Monday Oct. 8th replacement will be – TBD

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Fun Friday and Dollar Dress Down Tomorrow:  Image result for Fun Friday clipartTomorrow is Fun Friday so please remind your students to tuck their homework in their blue work folder or backpack and bring it is so that they can be entered into the drawing for prizes.  
Also tomorrow is also $1.00 dress down day.  Students can wear jeans and a t-shirt for $1.00 donation to the POQA.  Please have them bring their dollar as we will collect it at the start of the day tomorrow.  

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Happy Johnny Appleseed Day!  

Today your students learned about Johnny Appleseed and they learned that it is important to think about what happens first, next, and last in a story.  As your students come home in the next couple days, ask them if they were able to master that skill and if they can retell the Johnny Appleseed story telling you the sequence of events in the right order.  This is an important first grade skill.  

We have had some students bring toys to school and then they are being passed around the classroom and causing a bit of a distraction.  Please keep all toys home so that they are not lost or stolen.  We love our students and want them to use their time here learning and enjoying their time.  
Thank you for your help.

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The Zoo
We had such a good time at the zoo.  Thank you to all that attended.  Here is a cute video of the day.  I hope you enjoy your cute movie stars.


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tech repair

The zoo form has been repaired.  Please sign the form and let me know if they would like a home lunch or school lunch.  Thank you for your patience.
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Happy Monday

I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend.  Again, we have had a couple of technical issues with permissions with the links to the forms.  I went through this afternoon and it appears that they are all working for now.  If you can not access the form feel free to email me and that will work as well.  I am so sorry that we have had so many problems.  

-Lisa Gieseke
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