What We Are Learning

We are now beginning Unit 10 in Language Arts. Below are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks (some students are reviewing the short vowel sounds, rather than the long vowel sounds).  In addition, we continue to read decodable books and passages. You can encourage us to read the passages we bring home each week. We are also writing sentences about the texts we read.

As a class in math, we will be reviewing many of the skills we have explored this year. Individually, the students are working to master their current selected math standard and pass their math fluency level. With just a few more weeks remaining, we are excited to see how far we can go! Keep up the great work!

In science and STEM, we are exploring the effects of sunlight on the earth’s surface. We are also caring for caterpillars, and look forward to releasing our butterflies into nature.

Looking Ahead and This Week’s Overview:

Looking Ahead:

  • April 26: Dollar Dress Down Day
  • April 29: End of Year assessments begin
  • May 17: Kindergarten Completion Celebration 11:00-11:30 am in the library (parents are invited)
  • May 21: Field Trip to the Children’s Treehouse Museum (*NOTE Class Time Change: School will be held from 11-2 that day–for our class only)
  • May 22: Field day and yearbook signing
  • May 24: Last day of school

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Reread” and “Details: Time Order”. We read several different texts to go along with our theme: “Our Natural Resources”

High Frequency Words (Power Words): where, look

Sound and spelling review: a, e, i, o and introduced long /o/.

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home each week. Thank you!

Vocabulary: natural resources, create, weave, designs, knowledge

Math: Lesson 24: “Build with Shapes”

Science: This week we have been making observations about how sunshine heats things up! And we’ve noticed that things stay cooler if they are in the shade! In an activity called Cool Cows, children noticed that cows (like people) use shade to stay cool. The children became junior engineers, thinking about how to invent a shade structure to keep cows cool in a field with no shade trees.

Looking Ahead and This Week’s Overview:

Looking Ahead:

  • April 18: Great Shake Out (Earthquake drill)
  • April 26: Dollar Dress Down Day
  • April 29: End of Year assessments begin
  • May 17: Kindergarten Completion Celebration 11:00-11:30 am in the library (parents are invited)
  • May 21: Field Trip to the Children’s Treehouse Museum
  • May 22: Field day and yearbook signing
  • May 24: Last day of school

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Reread”/”Events: Cause and Effect”. We read several different texts to go along with our theme: “Good Citizens”

High Frequency Words (Power Words): play, has

Sound, spelling and handwriting review: e, f, g, h and introduced long /i/, (spelled i_e)

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home each week. Thank you!

Vocabulary: citizen, respect, hauled, tidy, necessary

Science:  In this lesson, we meet Sam who wonders why his grandmother wants to keep an old log in her yard—until he begins to meet a few of her friends. We discover why old logs are helpful to animals and explore the impact humans have on the environment. 

This Week’s Overview and Reminders:

Looking ahead:

  • April 1-5- Spring Break- NO SCHOOL

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: Ask and Answer Questions/Events: Sequence . We read several different texts to go along with our theme “Growing Up: How can you help out at home?”

High Frequency Words (Power Words): help, too

Handwriting review: a,b,c,d

Sound, spelling: introduced long /a/ (spelled a_e)

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home. Thank you!

Vocabulary: chores, contribute, accomplish, organize, member

What We Are Learning

We began Unit 9 in Language Arts this week. Below are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks.  In addition, we continue to read decodable books and passages. You can listen to us read on SeeSaw and encourage us to read the passages we bring home each week. We are also writing sentences about the texts we read.

As a class in math, we have continued to solve addition and subtraction word problems to 10, and after Spring Break, we will be making teen numbers (ten and some more ones).

In science and STEM (after spring break), we will be comparing how animals are alike and different. And we will be exploring how animals change their environments

This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Looking ahead:

  • March 22- Mother/Son Dance 6-8 pm
  • March 29- $1 Dress Down Day
  • March 29- Yearbook Sales Deadline 
  • April 1-5- Spring Break- NO SCHOOL

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/skill: “Make, Confirm, and Revise Predictions”/”Events: Problem and Solution” . We read several different texts to go along with our theme “What do you see in the sky?”

Review of High Frequency Words (Power Words): “for”, “have”, “of”, “they”, “said”, “want”, “here”, “me”, “this” and “what”

Sound, spelling and handwriting review: /u/ Uu, /g/ Gg, /w/ Ww, /v/ Vv, /ks/ Xx, /j/ Jj, /kw/ Qq, /y/ Yy, and /z/ Zz

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home. Thank you!

Vocabulary: distance, recognize, challenge, space, and surface

Math: Lesson 21 “Subtract Within 10” (continued).

Science: We have been watering and watching our wheatgrass grow like crazy! This week we noticed the grass leans slightly toward the light, so we turned our plants today to see if they would turn and continue to bend towards the sun.

This Week’s Overview and Reminders

Looking ahead:

  • March 15- Daddy/Daughter Dance 6-8 pm
  • March 15- 3rd Term Ends- Report Cards available online in Aspire
  • March 22- Mother/Son Dance 6-8 pm
  • March 29- $1 Dress Down Day
  • March 29- Yearbook Sales Deadline 
  • April 1-5- Spring Break- NO SCHOOL

Here’s a quick overview of new things we learned this week:

Comprehension strategy/Skill: “Reread”/”Fact and Opinion” . We read several different texts to go along with our theme “What do you know about our country?”

New High Frequency Words (Power Words): “this” and “what”

New sound, spelling and handwriting: /y/ Yy and /z/ Zz

*To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home each Wednesday. Thank you!

Vocabulary: country, travel, careful, connect, purpose

Math: Lesson 21: Subtract Within 10

Science: This week, students planted wheat berry seeds. Over the next week or two, we’ll be learning that plants need water and light to grow, and watching our wheat berries sprout.

You can support your child’s curiosity at home by keeping household plants! You can grow them from seeds, or buy them full-grown at the store. Invite your child to choose a plant that they find interesting. Then encourage your child to think about how best to meet the plant’s needs (such as how often to water it, and where to place it so that it gets sunlight).