Homework for the Week of May 9th-13th

This week, only reading homework and math timing homework is required.  It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework.  Please complete the following activities:

SPELLING CHECK: Below is the link to the entire list of First Grade High-Frequency Words.  At this point in the year, your child should be able to read and spell all words on the list.  Please take a moment to go over the list with your child and identify and work on any words that your child may be struggling with:

CLICK HERE for the List of High Frequency Words (2)

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A Reading for All Learners (Book Buddy) leveled book will be sent home with your child DAILY. Please have your child read the book (or one story from the books that contain more than one story) at least three times and then sign the included form. You may supplement your child’s reading using books at home, library books, etc. to fulfill the minimum requirement of 20-30 minutes of reading per day. 

It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework.  Simply initialing the form that comes home with your child’s Book Buddy is sufficient.

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This activity should be completed Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework – I trust that you will do it.
  1. Visit the following website: http://www.haslett.k12.mi.us/education/components/scrapbook/default.php?sectiondetailid=11283&
  2. Select “Level 200.”  For this week, please read passage # 208 (The Laws of the Land) for MONDAY and TUESDAY, and passage #209 (Our Country’s Government) for WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 
  3.  Complete a one-minute timed reading and record your score on the Homework Form. Feel free to use this online timer: http://www.online-stopwatch.com/timer/1minute/ Find your score by subtracting the number of incorrect words read from the total number of words read in one minute (for instance, if you read 98 words, but read 5 of the words incorrectly, your score would be 93).   
  4. Re-tell the story with as much detail as possible, and in your own words, to a parent, using the guidelines described below:
Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

If you are able to read the entire passage in less than a minute: start again at the top of the passage and read as many more words as you can until the one-minute timing is over.  For scoring, include the total words read during the entire minute. For instance, if you read the entire passage (137 words) and then read part of it again (39 words) before the one-minute timing was over, your score would be 176 (if you had no mistakes).

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  • ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION TIMINGS: Complete a 2 minute timing every night for both addition and subtraction facts. Please have your child do EVERY problem in a row, not skipping any. Then draw a line where they end and they will start there the next day. PLEASE CHECK FOR ACCURACY (an answer sheet is included).  Your child should get in about 3 or 4 timings each side. If you have questions let me know. Click below to print timings worksheets (I know the bottom row got cut off – please ignore!):
  • CLICK HERE for SUBTRACTION Timings Sheet
  • CLICK HERE for ADDITION Timings Sheet

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