Announcing our First Grade Patriotic Concert!

The entire first grade will be performing a Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 in the Junior High gym.  Please have your child to the Junior High gym by 5:15 that evening, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories, such as hairbows, pins, belts, ties, etc., are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We would like to honor any veterans in the audience, so we encourage you to invite any friends or family members who have served in the military to join us!  The performance will not last more than an hour.  

The first grade will be performing this same concert the next morning, May 20th, for students and faculty, so please be sure your child wears a RED SHIRT and patriotic accessories the next morning, too.


What an exciting moment to discover that the winner of the reading challenge is a member of our class!  We sincerely congratulate Ryan on his spectacular achievement! Ryan is certainly deserving of this honor, having woken up every morning at 5:45 this past week to read an entire chapter book each day!  Ryan read over 1,000 minutes this past week and won a beautiful brand new bike, complete with a sparking brake and helmet!

We are so proud of all of the many other members of our class who entered the challenge – we definitely were well-represented in the contest, and many of our classmates read a LOT!  Hats off to you all!


A Special Visitor!

We had a visitor, Byron, from Lotus Park Assisted Living, come to read books to our first grade today!  We loved Byron right from the start – with his big, bright smile and Kris Kringle-like beard, Byron was an instant hit!  

Lotus Park Assisted Living is our first-grade community partner.  We will be doing a couple service projects for them this year and we will be inviting the veterans from Lotus Park Assisted Living to our patriotic performance in the spring. 


November Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday, November 19th

The following is a list of the folks who signed up at Back to School Night for Parent Teacher Conferences in November.  Please let me know if you are unable to keep your appointment or if you have already met with me and are willing to give up your scheduled appointment so that someone else can meet with me.

Thank you! 🙂

Thursday, November 19thParent Teacher Conference
3:30-3:40: Ava Tuy
3:40-3:50: Zoey Hemmert
3:50-4:00: Rowdy Rogers
4:00-4:10: Logan Knavel
4:10-4:20: Tanner Larson
4:20-4:30: Maylee Wilson

Happy Veterans Day!

We had a great day celebrating all the many service men and women who protect our great nation!  We were able to Facetime this morning with a soldier who is currently deployed in the Middle East, and it was fascinating to hear his description of the work he is doing there.  The students had a lot of interesting questions for him and it was a very memorable experience.  Please enjoy some of our pictures from Veterans Day, and remember to put a green light bulb in your porch light tonight to show support for our veterans!


Thank you, Veterans!  We appreciate your service and sacrifice!
Veterans Day

September Parent-Teacher Conferences: Thursday, Sept. 24th

Parent Teacher ConferenceWe had a sign-up at Back to School Night for Parent/Teacher Conferences for September, October, and November.  Below is the schedule for September Parent/Teacher Conferences, which are to be held on Thursday, September 24th.  
Please keep in mind that conference schedules only allow for me to meet with each parent for 10 minutes, including transition time.  Conferences will need to be very brief, but I will try to pack in as much information for you as I can!  Please be mindful of the time constraints so that I can be timely in meeting with all the parents who have signed up for conferences.  Thank you!

3:30-3:40: Ava Tuy
3:40-3:50: Xander – Chersti Crawford
3:50-4:00: Khloee – Ashley Esplin
4:00-4:10: Leticia – Adriel
4:10-4:20: Anna-Marie Rowley
4:20-4:30: Tanner Larson
4:30-4:40: Amy Cobia
4:40-4:50: Aaron Fisher
4:50-5:00: Tempes Israel – Christopher
5:00-5:10: Angela Skoubye
5:10-5:20: Olga Platt (Raya)
5:20-5:30 Logan Knavel

Picture Day, Independent Lunch Skills, and Water Bottles

Picture DayPicture Day
This coming Monday, August 24th is Picture Day!  Please be sure to fill out and return the picture order forms that were sent home yesterday, and be sure to come Monday wearing your brightest smile! 🙂  Please have your child wear his/her regular school uniform.

For those students bringing home lunch, please spend some time this weekend helping your student practice independent lunch preparation.  For example; 
How to open containers and packages (i.e. opening pudding cups, putting straws in juice boxes, etc.)
How to properly and safely use a microwave (i.e. paper towel under food, how long to cook it, how to remove the hot food, what NOT to put in a microwave, etc.)
What to keep and what to throw away (i.e. keep tupperware, please throw away opened juice box even if not finished, etc.)

Water Bottles
Please feel free to send your child with a water bottle to keep in his/her cubby (preferably one that doesn’t spill easily, one that your child can easily open and close him/herself, and that is labeled with your child’s name).  One drinking fountain with an entire class of students takes a lot of time and we want to make sure they are getting enough water.  Thanks so much!

Back to School Night Video

Click below to access a video of the Powerpoint presentation that was shown at Back to school night.  please be patient: the video may take some time to load.  Also, it is a very slow video, so I recommend clicking on the advance button below the video screen to move it along more quickly.  Some of the images contained in the video (such as the image of the homework form)  do not show up properly, so you can find the real homework form on the blog.

Mrs. Dunmeyer’s Powerpoint

More presentations from Megan

Back to School Night and After-School Meeting Tree


I had a wonderful time meeting students and parents at Back to School Night!  I am so excited to start this school year with you and make it a great year!  Remember that the first three days of school (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) will be early-release days (dismissal at 1:00).  We will have lunch time all three days, so please plan accordingly. 

I wanted to be sure to let you know that for the first two weeks, I will be walking students out the Kindergarten (East) doors after school each day.  We will walk around to the front of the school building (South side) to the tree that is right outside our classroom window.  That will be our meeting place. 

After the first two weeks, I am assigned to traffic duty on the North side of the school to assist with carpools.  I will still be walking the children outside the Kindergarten doors, but I will no longer be able to wait with them beside the tree because I will be directing traffic at the back of the building.  Other staff members will be on the South side of the building, though, and will be able to assist the children if needed.  

If you choose to have your child meet you at another location, that is completely up to you.  Please ask your child to tell me if you are having them meet you somewhere other than the tree so that I will know.  

Thank you!  I am really looking forward to working with you and your wonderful children! See you Wednesday morning! 

Mrs. Dunmeyer