Our Classroom Raffle Basket: FAMILY FUN!
Wow! Thank you so much for the amazing canned food donations! Although our grade did not win the free dress-down day, our class brought in 182 cans (which equates to 7 cans per student) of food for local food banks! Thank you so much for your generous donations! If you were unable to donate this time and would still like a chance, we will still be collecting canned food donations through November 7th, and these donations will also count toward another possible dress-down day!
Head lice are unwelcome visitors with the potential to turn your whole household upside down. But before you imagine the worst, it may help to separate the facts from the myths about head lice. We will also offer some practical advice to help keep head lice from spreading.
What head lice look like: 6-legged, grayish-white insects about the size of a sesame seed. Nits are often mistaken for dandruff.
How head lice spread: Typically through head-to-head contact. Rarely, through contact with a shared item like a hat, helmet, scarf, or pillow. Head lice do not jump or fly.2
How long head lice live on the head: Up to 30 days after they reach adulthood. Lice do not infest furniture or carpets. Lice don’t live very long off the head, as they need blood to survive.2
Why it is a good idea to consult your doctor: Studies show that head lice are becoming resistant to some treatments. Some parents end up self-treating head lice up to 5 times before seeking professional care, so consider getting the doctor’s advice early on.
This information is taken from healthline.com
This week is Positive Me week. This event is designed to help students identify and work on their self-esteem and how to care for themselves. Here is the list of dress up fun for each day:
Monday-”Scare Away Negativity”
Wear your favorite accessory such as a bracelet, necklace, pin, hair bow, belt, or tie.
Please no hats.
Tuesday- “Scare Away Drugs”
Wear Red (Uniform shirt)
Wednesday- “Scare Away Bad Health”
Wear Crazy socks
Thursday- “Scare Away Bullies”
Show your team spirit by wearing a team jersey, t-shirt, or school spirit shirt (uniform pants required)
Friday- “Scare up some fun”
Wear a costume or wear orange