Hello, Wonderful Parents!
We had an incredible first day in first grade! Your children are all superstars and should be commended for their wonderful behavior and efforts! I couldn’t be more excited to work with them this year!
Today after school we held hands in a chain as we walked to our “meeting tree.” Unfortunately, many of our little friends broke the hand-holding chain to walk away with parents or siblings before we reached the tree, so it was difficult for the children that they had been holding hands with to follow along to our “meeting tree.” If this caused any trouble for you or child in getting to the tree in a timely manner, I apologize. We will try again tomorrow, but
please help us by encouraging your child to stay with our group, holding hands with his/her neighbors, until we get to the tree – even if he/she sees you or a sibling first! That will really help the children next to him/her.
Also, many children told me that they were supposed to meet parents or siblings at a different location, but when I asked them where they had been told to go, they were unsure or seemed confused. So
please just be sure that your child knows where to meet you.
Text Alerts: if you didn’t get a chance to sign up for text alerts at Back to School Night, you can still sign up my e-mailing your full name, child’s name, and your cell phone number to me. My e-mail is
mdunmeyer@questac.org. Text alerts are extremely helpful for receiving last-minute reminders and info.
Important Traffic Duty Change: Administration is now asking that I begin my traffic assignment (directing traffic behind the school on the North side)
tomorrow instead of next week. So, from here on out, I will be able to walk the children to the tree, but then I will need to go to the back of the building and leave them in the care of other staff members out front.
Thank you so much for a wonderful first day! Be sure to check out the incredibly adorable pictures of your cutie pies below!
Mrs. Dunmeyer