Ice Cream Activity


Please let me know if you are able to bring in a half gallon of chocolate ice cream. The students have worked hard and I want to ensure we have enough ice cream. So far I have 4 parents bringing it and we need 10. Also, if you would like to volunteer at the ice cream activity tomorrow from 2:00 until 3:00 please let me know.

Thank you for all of your support this year!!

Homework Week of Jan. 12

3rd Grade Homework Organizer[1]

Directions: Always keep this in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every Friday in your homework folder. Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document or on the Google document. It needs to be up to date every Friday. Reading Log

We have new word sort groups based on a spelling inventory that goes along with our Words Their Way program. 

Group 1:

Joshua, Conner M, Dawson, Conner H, Gracie, Jaiden, Chace

Group 1 Sort

Group 2:

Gunner, Harlie, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin

  Group 2 Sort

Group 3:

Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery

Group 3 Sort

Group 4:

William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery

Group 4 Sort

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
MATHChapter 8.4  EVENS
Chapter 8.4 Key

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Speed Sort
MATH – Chapter  8.5   ODDS
Chapter 8.5 Key

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules
MATH –Chapter 8.6  EVENS
Chapter 8.6 Key


Read 20 minutes
Front Row Ed for 15 minutes


Thank you to all of the parents that helped with the field trip on Friday. We had a great learning experience and it was because of our parent volunteers that it went so smoothly. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Also, thank you for the parents who volunteered to bring chocolate ice cream so far. Please let me know if you are planning on donating so I can ensure we have enough. The students have worked hard for this.

I will give the students until Thursday morning to pass of their multiplication tables. PLEASE have your child practice at home using multiplication flash cards. I want each student to feel the success of passing them off and it is part of the third grade curriculum.


Field Trip Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is field trip day. The students are so excited to learn about the sun, moon, and earth at the Clark Planetarium. Please have your student at the Frontrunner station by 8:15. They need to wear their school uniform. Any color of shirt will be fine. Please pick up your student at the Frontrunner station at 2:45 before picking up other students from Quest. Also, please remember to send your child with a sack lunch in their backpack to take down with us.

Please have your child turn in their homework to me on Monday NOT tomorrow. I will not have anywhere to put their homework folder and don’t want it to get lost!

Thank you!!

Multiplication Madness Party

The Multiplication Madness party is next week!! I was really happy to have 5 students move up another number today. All third grade is going to be participating, so we have made assignments for each class, our class is going to be responsible for the chocolate ice cream. If you would like to donate to the party, please comment below what you would like to bring. Everything can be brought in starting tomorrow!

Below is the permission slip for the party.

Thank you!

Homework Week of Jan. 5-9

WELCOME BACK! The break was nice and I hope you all had a fun time with your loved ones. I am ready to be back and am excited to see my kiddos tomorrow! Homework this week will be a little different because we will not be doing any word sorts. I need to reassess to ensure each child is placed in a group that is most beneficial for their individual needs. It will be a nice little break for the students as well as they are getting used to being back in the routine of school and homework:) Since the students will not be doing word sorts this week, it would be a great week to include extra multiplication practice at home. Each student will need to pass off 0-12 multiplication facts in order to earn their full ice cream sundae and as part of their grade. Thank you for all of your support and help with this.

3rd Grade Homework Organizer[1]

Directions: Always keep this in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every Friday in your homework folder. Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document or on the Google document. It needs to be up to date every Friday. Reading Log


  • 20 minutes of reading
  • Chapter 8 Lesson 1 EVENS ONLY: 8.1
  • Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Key: 8.1 Key
  • Practice Multiplication Facts
  • 20 minutes of reading
  • Chapter 8 Lesson 2 ODDS: 8.2
  • Chapter 8 Lesson 2 Key: 8.2key
  • Practice Multiplication Facts
  • 20 minutes of reading
  • Chapter 8-Lesson 3 EVENS: 8.3
  • Chapter 8-Lesson 3 Key: 8.3
  • Practice Multiplication Facts
  • 20 minutes of reading
  • 15 minutes of Front Row Ed
  • Practice Multiplication Facts

Field Trip January 9th

Hello Everyone! I hope that you have had a great break so far! The third grade is planning a field trip for Friday, the 9th. Here is the permission slip that we need to have filled out and brought back to school on Monday, the 5th. Please read through the information about the field trip on the form. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me. I hope you have a happy and safe New Year!!

Happy Holidays!

We had such a fun week and although the students worked very hard, we also had a lot of fun! Thank you for all of the kindness I have been shown from the students and parents! I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I will see you all back on January 5. We will be starting DIBELS testing the day we get back from Christmas break so PLEASE have your children read over the break so we can accurately assess them.

Mrs. Lloyd



I received an email from the administration and although we are singing tomorrow morning, there will NOT be enough room for parents to come since the whole school will be participating. We will be putting clips on the Quest blog for parents to see!

Homework for week of Dec. 15-19

This week will be full of fun, hard work, more fun, and more hard work! We will be reviewing math, working hard on multiplication facts so that every child may earn their ice cream sundae, testing, crafting, reading, writing, and partying! Of course partying won’t be until Thursday afternoon and Friday! The third grade is working on a fun Christmas song to sing at our school sing a long this Friday morning at 9 am. We have a fun Grinch party planned for Thursday afternoon as well as rotations with the other third grade classes on Friday after the sing along. Remember, Friday is the ugly sweater day if your child would like to join in.

This week for homework, we will be having abbreviated homework! We will NOT be doing Words Their Way Sorts or test this week. The only homework required for this week is to read 20 minutes day. Please turn in your reading minutes to me by Friday as that will still be graded as your homework this week. Also, please work on multiplication facts with your child this week and over the holiday. There are some who haven’t passed off 3’s yet and if you child has passed off 3’s, have them move onto 4’s, 6’s, and 7’s.

I absolutely LOVE our class this year, they have been working so hard and it is joy to be a part of their success. Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can do to improve the quality of their school experience.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Mrs. Lloyd