Multiplication Madness/ Valentine’s Party

**We will be passing out Valentine’s Day cards on February 14th (before the Multiplication Madness Celebration).  We have 25 students in our class.  I prefer for the students not address the student’s names on the Valentine Cards.  It takes double the time to pass them out if they are addressed to each individual student in our class.  Please have your child just sign each of their cards.  Remember not to send candy with your cards.  You can bring anything else that is not edible.  WE WILL NOT BE MAKING VALENTINE’S DAY BOXES OR BAGS TO HOLD CARDS.  STUDENTS ARE WELCOME TO BRING BOXES OR BAGS FROM HOME.  I WILL HAVE PAPER SACKS TO GIVE THE STUDENTS THAT NEED SOMETHING.**

We will need parents to help and volunteer with the Multiplication Madness Ice Cream Sundae Party.  Parents that are able to come and help us, please come to the Q1 gym on February 14th @ 1:30 in the afternoon.  I know a lot of parents aren’t able to make it to the party, but we are in need of food donations as well.  Our class is responsible for:
40 bananas
3 jars of cherries

Please let me know if you would like to help with volunteering and/or donating on this day.  Any parents that can come to help, please bring an ice cream scoop.  Thanks so much for all your support with all our extra shenanigans in third grade!  You’re all the best!!

Goodbye January!!

This week we will be starting Division!! We will be working on inferences with a “super bowl” activity and starting a “super bowl” persuasive letter in  writing.
Please remember to sign the google document food permission for our inference lesson. Also, I posted about parent conferences. I would love to meet with EVERY parent so PLEASE go on to Bloomz and sign up for a time. It makes it easier for you to pick a time rather than me try and guess what time would work best for you!

Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Viernew
STEM Class
Early Out (1:00, NOT dress down)

This week we are going to work on division. Please complete the 3 worksheets below and turn them in on Friday.

Reading and applying the literary skills we learn in class is imperative in becoming better readers.  With this in mind, I still require every child to read 20 minutes every night.  After reading, please have your child respond to the questions on the homework document in google classroom.  To do this, you will go to Their login is their first Their password is their computer password followed by rams. (Your child knows this password because they use it everyday). Remember to fill out the library Google Doc on the home page(You’ve been amazing at this!) and record how many minutes you read for the week. Please make sure your child clicks the TURN IN tab on the top right hand corner at the end of the week so they get credit for their work. Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. I will also be asking for volunteers 3 times a week to give a book talk on what they’ve been reading.  I will introduce both of these changes in class on Monday.

If you are having trouble typing your child’s questions in the document, feel free to have them write out the answers to the questions on a piece of paper and turn it in on Friday. I kept the questions the same this week because I want to make sure they are getting the routine down before changing too much.

You DO NOT have to fill out the reading and sort log anymore! I will give credit for reading for the week from the google classroom document being filled out. Thanks for being flexible! I always tell the kids…Blessed are the flexible because they will never be bent out of shape:)

We will NO LONGER be requiring word sorts at home. You are welcome to practice the words at home with your child but we will be doing all spelling work in centers and class. This week’s words are: 1-28 Sheet1
Remember, you do not have to print or sort these!

Parent Conferences!!

Quest Administration has decided to go back to the traditional Parent Teacher Conference schedule the second half of this year. We will be meeting from 3:15-7:00 on Tuesday, February 21st and 3:15-7:00 on Thursday, February 23rd. Please sign-up for the time that best fits your schedule. I am excited to sit down with each of you, share data, and discuss your child’s progress. Thanks so much for all your support!

The sign up sheet is through If you haven’t signed up yet, here are the instructions:

  • Join using a web browser:
  • 1. Go to and click “Join Bloomz”.
  • 2. In the text box, enter W3SVKU.
  • 3. Create your account.

Join using text messaging:

1. Text @W3SVKU to 1-858-BLOOMZ1 or 1-858-256-6691

Multiplication Facts!

I wanted to remind you that we are working on our multiplication facts. Our multiplication madness ice cream party will be held on Tuesday, February 14 from 2:00-3:00 (it’s in place of our Valentine’s party). Please have your child work on facts at home (flashcards and Reflex work great).

Welcome to 3rd Quarter!! Homework Changes!

This week we will be working on area (composite shapes this week!!) in math, finishing up our Caribou vs. Penguin writing, and working on main idea for reading comprehension. We will also be studying the book called “Knots on a Counting Rope”.

Skype with a graphic novel writer

Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Viernew
STEM Class
Friday: Dollar Dress Down
Early Out (1:00)


With us being at half year, we are going to change homework just a little bit, and focus more on the literary skills we are learning in class.  Please read so you understand what your child is doing. 

Play Prodigy at least 3 days this week! Remember to go into the battles for the majority of the time you are in. 

Reading and applying the literary skills we learn in class is imperative in becoming better readers.  With this in mind, I still require every child to read 20 minutes every night.  After reading, please have your child respond to the questions on the homework document in google classroom.  To do this, you will go to Their login is their first Their password is their computer password followed by rams. (Your child knows this password because they use it everyday). Remember to fill out the library Google Doc on the home page(You’ve been amazing at this!) and record how many minutes you read for the week. Please make sure your child clicks the TURN IN tab on the top right hand corner at the end of the week so they get credit for their work. Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. I will also be asking for volunteers 3 times a week to give a book talk on what they’ve been reading.  I will introduce both of these changes in class on Monday.

You DO NOT have to fill out the reading and sort log anymore! I will give credit for reading for the week from the google classroom document being filled out. Thanks for being flexible! I always tell the kids…Blessed are the flexible because they will never be bent out of shape:)

We will NO LONGER be requiring word sorts at home. You are welcome to practice the words at home with your child but we will be doing all spelling work in centers and class. This week’s words are: Purple1-27 Sheet1
Remember, you do not have to print or sort these!


1/2 Way Through

I hope you all had a wonderful, long weekend!
I can’t believe that we are officially half way through the school year. I get a little sad thinking about how fast this school year is going by! I have loved seeing the growth that has been taking place and am excited to see what happens from now until the end of the year. We will be working hard to get them ready for 4th grade!

Monday: No School!

STEM Class

Play Prodigy at least 3 days this week!

Read 20 minutes each night and turn in  Sort and Reading Log or the electronically
Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes.

Please print off this sort:  purple26 Sheet1and record your sorts on the Sort and Reading Log or electronically
 with your reading minutes
Monday- Category Sort (sort by pattern)
Tuesday-Speed Sort (See how fast you can sort)
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort (Have an adult tell you the word and write it down without looking at the word)
Thursday- Writing Sort (Write each word in the correct category)

Help! Items needed!

We are quickly running out of pencil erasers and glue sticks. If you are able to donate any, we would greatly appreciate it! Also, we need some class prizes for our class store. If you have items you would like to donate, feel free to send with your child (dollar store items work great as well as party favors). Thank You!!

Homework Jan. 9-12

I wanted to thank your cute kids for the kindness they have shown me. They have been so worried about my eye since I had a minor procedure done. They are so cute and have given me so much love:)

We will be finishing up multiplication facts and starting area in math. We will be comparing and contrasting caribou and penguins for writing and will continue to work on main idea. We have learned so much and have a lot more to learn. Please remember to work on multiplication facts with your child at home. They need to have all of their facts passed off by February 13 as part of our core curriculum and to earn their ice cream sundae. We have learned finger tricks to go with most of the facts which will help them until they gain the confidence and enough practice to become fluent.

Now that it’s snowed, please be aware that the students do go outside unless it’s colder than 20 degrees.  Please send the appropriate outside clothing.  Winter boots are wonderful to keep the kids’ feet dry outside. They can choose to bring shoes to change into if it would be more comfortable for them.

Monday: Library, Don’t forget your books!

Tuesday: Music With Mrs. Viernew

STEM Class
End of Term

No SCHOOL on FRIDAY (Teacher Work Day)

Review of multiplication facts AND  math-homework-5.

Read 20 minutes each night and turn in  Sort and Reading Log or the electronically
Please continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes.

Please print off this sort:  1-25-sheet1 and record your sorts on the Sort and Reading Log or electronically
 with your reading minutes
Monday- Category Sort (sort by pattern)
Tuesday-Speed Sort (See how fast you can sort)
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort (Have an adult tell you the word and write it down without looking at the word)
Thursday- Writing Sort (Write each word in the correct category)