
We are hitting multiplication really hard in math right now.  Starting after Fall Break (Monday, October 20th) we will begin Multiplication Madness!  Please start drilling and multiplying the multiplication facts with them over Fall Break.  The students are expected to drill their math facts at home also.  The students have to pass off their 0′s to 10′s for a required grade. Every student will be given 10 problems to pass off in one minute. Multiplication facts are a huge part of the third grade math core curriculum. The students will have to spend time at home working on these facts in order to pass them off in the time table we have set.  The students will have the opportunity to pass off their multiplication facts as many times as they can before the celebration.  We will focus on one fact a week, I will have the fact we are working on that week on the homework organizers.  Our Multiplication Madness Banana Split Celebration will take place on Thursday, January 15th from 2:00 – 3:00..
**During Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break, students will need to spend time studying multiplication facts so they are prepared.  Weekends are a great time to work on multiplication facts (since there is no homework).**

Each part of the Banana Split is one of the multiplication facts that needs to be passed off.  You will get that part of the Banana Split ONLY if you pass off that actual fact.
0′s – Placemat
1′s- Napkin
2′s – Bowl
3′s – Spoon
4′s – Banana
5′s – Scoop of Strawberry Ice Cream
6′s – Scoop of Chocolate Ice Cream
7′s – Sprinkles
8′s – Strawberry topping
9′s – Scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream
10′s – Chocolate Fudge topping
11′s – Whipped Cream
12′s – Cherry on Top!!!

Homework Oct 6-9

Directions: Always keep the homework organizer in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every Friday in your homework folder. 

Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document or go to the homework tab on the home page and record minutes under reading. It needs to handed in every Friday. Reading Log

Word Sort Groups

Orange Group: Dawson, Conner M, Joshua, Colin, Chace
  yellow sort 11

Yellow Group: Avena, Macey, Kyler, Rowdy, Gauge, Keira, Jaiden   yellow sort 17

Green Group: Gunner, Conner H, Gracie   yellow sort 29

Red Group: William, Aiden, Alex, Avery, Maya  yellow sort 35

Blue Group: Rhett, Zackery, Makaela  yellow sort 40

SORT – Sort words by category indicated
MATH –Chapter 3 Review – ODDS
Chapter 3 Review Key

SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
MATH – Chapter 4 – EVENS
Chapter 4 Key

SORT – Speed Sort
MATH – Chapter 4.1 EVENS
Chapter 4.1 Key

SORT- No Peeking Sort  – Read the sort words to your child aloud (without showing them) and have them write them under the correct rule column with the correct spelling.
Chapter 4.2 – ODDS
Chapter 4.2 Key

Scholastic Book Orders

Parents, Several of you have asked about book orders and what books I would suggest for your child to read. There are some wonderful books available on the book order this time around, so I will keep a book order open for the next two weeks. Please click on this link: Our classroom code is NKFMG. Entering this code will connect you to my account, and any purchases you make help us add points to purchase books for our classroom. These books are at a discount compared to local bookstores. As always, THANK YOU for your support. If you order for Christmas, feel free to send me an email and I will keep your child’s book order for you to pick up instead of sending home with the student.

Homework Week of Sept 29-Oct 3

PARENTS, As always I will send home the weekly homework organizer with the students on Monday with their homework folders. PLEASE initial each day your child does their math and word sorts on the organizer. I am starting to give the students extra tickets toward prizes when their homework is completed and turned in on time (Fridays).


Directions: Always keep the homework organizer in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every Friday in your homework folder. 

Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document Reading Log or log in under Homework, Reading tab on the blog.

Word Sort Groups

Orange Group: Dawson, Conner M, Josh, Colin, Chace  yellow sort 10
Yellow Group: Avena, Macey, Kyler, Rowdy, Gauge, Keira, Jaiden   yellow sort 16
Green Group: Gunner, Conner H, Gracie   yellow sort 28
Red Group: William, Aiden, Alex, Avery, Maya  yellow sort 34
Blue Group: Rhett, Zackery, Makaela  yellow sort 39

SORT – Sort words by category indicated
MATH – Chapter 3.2    ODDS ONLY
Chapter 3.2 Key                   

SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
MATH –Chapter 3.3    EVENS ONLY
Chapter 3.3 Key

SORT – Speed Sort
MATH – Chapter 3.4   ODDS ONLY
Chapter 3.4 Key

SORT Glue Sort
Chapter 3.5     EVENS ONLY
Chapter 3.5 Key

Yesterday’s Homework


I apologize, the server was down yesterday so most of you were unable to do the math homework. I had no way of updating the blog since I was at school doing Parent Conferences. I will give extra points toward those students who were able to complete it but also will not deduct for those that didn’t finish it.


Homework Reminder

A reminder that I need the weekly organizer signed and brought back each FRIDAY, initialed with the days your child did their math and word sort homework. ALSO I need a separate paper with their reading minutes on it or logged into our Google form which is under homework/reading on our blog.


Homework Sept 22-26

3rd Grade Homework Organizer[1]
Directions: Always keep the homework organizer in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every Friday in your homework folder. 

Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document or under the Homework tab under Reading on the blog. It needs to handed in every Friday. Reading Log

Word Sort Groups
Group 1  Orange Group: Dawson, Conner M. Josh, Colin
Group 2   Yellow Group: Avena, Macey, Kyler, Rowdy, Chace, Gauge
Group 3   Green Group: Gunner, Conner H. Jaiden, Keira
Group 4   Red Group: William, Aiden, Alex, Gracie, Avery, Maya
Group 5   Blue Group: Rhett, Zackery, Makaela

SORT – Sort words by category indicated
MATH – Chapter 2.9
Chapter 2.9 Key

SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
MATH – Rounding Practice –  ODDS Only

SORT – Speed Sort
MATH –No Math Homework!!

SORT- No Peeking Sort  – Read the sort words to your child aloud (without showing them) and have them write them under the correct rule column with the correct spelling.
MATH – Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.1 Key