Homework for the Week of February 3, 2014

*****3rd Grade Homework Organizer*****
Directions: Always keep this in your homework folder. Print off required homework for each day from our Class Blog. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every day in your homework folder. 

Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document. It needs to be handed in every Friday. 
Reading Log 


Individual Sort-Whole Class Sort
Have your child explain the sort rule to you and continue the sheet we started in class. If your child doesn’t have the sheet this is a blank copy Monday homework-Individual Sort.
Time your child doing the sort three times. 
Read the sort words to your child aloud (without showing them) and have them write them under the correct rule column with the correct spelling. Thursday
Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules 
On Friday I sent home a permission slip for the Multiplication Madness ice cream sundae party. Please sign and return ASAP.

Ms. Young

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