- Raz Kids username: nyoung23
- I have been tracking prodigy from my end. If you find that you are not getting credit for time played, please make sure you are working from the account connected to our class. I want everyone to get credit for the time they play!!!
- I’ve attached the finished sort for each group so you will know the right answers.
Sort and Reading Log
Word Sorts
Blue Group-Sort/Answers
Yellow Group-Sort/Answers
Green Group-Sort/Answers
Purple Group–Sort/Answers
Orange Group-Sort (fixed)/Answers
Monday-ABC Sort
- 20 minutes of reading
- 15 minutes of www.prodigygame.com/play
- 20 minutes of reading
- Chapter 3 Test Review
- 20 minutes of reading
- 15 minutes of www.prodigygame.com/play
- 20 minutes of reading
- Polygons
Mrs. Young, Corten said that the orange sort (ck, th ,sh, challenge and sight words) isn’t the correct sort. He said the group he did in class was ee, ea, ai, challenge and sight words. Please let me know me if he needs to do the one on the blog or if isn’t the right one.
Stephanie Sweeten
Corten is absolutely right!! I have fixed it now. Thanks for the quick catch!!
hey miss young
Hi Kinsey!!