Homework for the Week of May 1, 2017

  • Please continue to practice and drill your multiplication facts at home.
  • Play Practice is in full swing! Start looking for costumes.
    • We are going off script after this week! Please help your student memorize their lines.
    • The dress rehearsal is May 22nd at 9:00 and the Play is May 23rd at 9:00
  • SAGE English/Language Arts next week. Please make sure students are on time, get plenty of sleep, and eat a good breakfast.
    • SAGE ELA Session #1- Tuesday, May 9th @ 9:40-10:40
      SAGE ELA Session #2-Wednesday, May 11th @ 9:30-10:30


We are doing the same sort that we did last week because most students did not do very well on our assessment. We are going to try again this week to master these words.
Review Sort


Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes.

  • Please record your reading minutes under the Library Reading Challenge tab as well as on the reading log. Here is the updated reading log if you want to print it out and turn it in. Reading Log

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