- Cookie Dough/Beef Jerky orders are due MONDAY September 10th. This is our only fundraiser for the year, so please help out our school!
Monday – STEM @ 2:00
Tuesday – Library @ 1:30
Friday – Start Dibels testing
What’s Happening in Math

Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.
Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Homework Links) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Students have practiced logging in the last week but, just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “shark″ and all passwords are “rams”. If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.