Earlier this year Utah’s Legislature passed HB 513 providing money for schools to implement technology-based reading programs for students in grade K-1. The money was distributed through a competitive grant process.
Quest Academy is excited to announce that we were one of the schools selected for this program. Our grant money will be used to implement Waterford Early Learning for
ALL Kindergarten and 1st grade students!
Waterford Early Learning is a strong research-based program that provides adaptive instruction (adapts to the learner’s needs) in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and language concepts. The program adapts for students still learning sounds and letters and continues through for students reading connected text at a grade equivalent of approximately 3.0. More information about this amazing program can be found using this link http://www.schools.utah.gov/CURR/langartelem/Actions-and-Programs/HB-513-Information/Waterford-Reading-Skills-Taught.aspx
Quest’s K-1 teachers have just completed the Waterford training and Quest is ready to begin implementing the program starting Monday, November 5th. The stipulations of HB 513 require that the program is implemented with integrity. Kindergarten students MUST use the program 15 minutes daily, 5 times a week. First grade students MUST use the program 30 minutes daily, 5 times a week. A state HB 513 oversight committee will be reviewing Quest’s usage data to assure our students are using the program as required. If your child is absent from school, your child’s teacher will have your child make-up the missed sessions throughout the week as necessary. This is a school-based program only and the student will not be able to access the program from home.
The Waterford program will provide teachers with a myriad of reports regarding your student’s progress. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about your students’ progress, or would like to observe your student using the program.
This is such a great opportunity for our student’s to utilize technology to learn life-long reading skills and we are very excited to watch our student’s grow! Just another reason why QUEST is the BEST!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Waterford Program! Students are having fun reading while learning those fundamental reading skills that will help them be lifelong readers! Teachers are thrilled with the student’s progress and the data provided helps teachers provide targeted instruction for each kiddo!
to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school!
Happy Blogging!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Waterford Program! Students are having fun reading while learning those fundamental reading skills that will help them be lifelong readers! Teachers are thrilled with the student’s progress and the data provided helps teachers provide targeted instruction for each kiddo!