Kinders at Work
A quick glance into our Kindergarten Classes during Center Time. As I have mentioned, numerous times, all of our classes in the Quest Elementary Building have a scheduled time for Literacy Centers. During that time, the students participate in differentiated learning activities in the areas of COMPREHENSION, WORD STUDY, WRITING, FLUENCY, COMPUTERS AND MUCH MORE. The main reason why we do this, is so that our amazing teachers can pull your students back and teach them literacy skills in small groups on their level! It is a beautiful thing!!!! Ask your students about this part of their day! Don’t forget to ask your teachers about it also at PTC!
This is just one of the reasons why
ENJOY these few pics of our cute Kinders at work! Notice some specific centers in our Kinder Classes include, using the Smart Board, using Ipod Touches, using Netbooks, Reading Centers with books on their level, Word Study using Words Their Way, Writing Centers, Listening Center, Math Centers, Sight Word Practice and so on!
So much LEARNING IS GOING ON! Way to go Kinders!
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