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First Grade End of Year Videos

5th Grade Memories

Final Rams News for this Year

6th Grade Volleyball Game!!!

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Quest Academy is “HAPPY”

What does the FOX say?

Talent Show Fun!

Square Dancing in 5th Grade!

2nd Grade Recorder Performance

Way to go Mrs. Cashin’s Class!

Prezi’s in 4th Grade

Part of our 4th Grade Technology Standards include that sudents will use Prezi to create a presentation.  This class needed to take pieces of their science knowledge from this year and make sure their planet “worked.” So if they had super hot temperatures, and their people/animals needed water to survive—how would that work, since water evaporates when it heats up. It was a great way to conclude their research on that specific science topic!

Check out these fun, interactive final products!  Way to go! 

Windows Movie Maker in Action

These 5th Graders were in our PC Lab finishing up on their State Movies! U.S.History is part of the 5th grade core and they were concluding their studies by creating a movie with some new and interesting facts about the State they were learning about! Way to go 5th Grade!

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to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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