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Date Change: Fun Run and Walk A Thon

Please note that due to the bad weather Forecast we have changed the date of the Fun Run and the Walk A Thon to next Thursday and Friday!  We will keep the schedule the same!  Remember to turn in the FUN RUN sheet and 5$ before next Tuesday! 

walk a thon-fun run

This Fundraiser will help Quest raise money to improve Technology !

FUN RUN RACE FOR ALL STUDENTS who want to participate

Thursday 9/26
$5 entrance fee-money is due with the form that was sent home on Friday by Tuesday, 9/24 to participate

9:45am AM Kindergarten
10:30 AM 1st Grade
11:00 AM 2nd Grade
11:30 AM 3rd Grade
12:00 PM 4th Grade
12:30 PM 5th Grade
1:30 PM Kindergarten
2:00 PM 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th (Fun Run and Walk A Thon)


WALK A THON Friday, 9/27 

Calling all Parents and Grandparents!!!!

Come walk a mile with your child!!!  Turn in your generous pledges of $5 or more at the gate on 9/27!

8:30 AM Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
9:30 PM Kindergarten, 4th, 5th 
Make sure you scratch that image below!!!

Orkut Scrap Toys

Congrats to Cindy Bly

Thanks again for all of your support at our Chick Fil A Night!  We raised 200$ for our school!  

Congratulations to Cindy Bly for winning the $15 Gift Card!

Don’t forget about the Movie Thursday Night!

Have a Ramtastic Day!

Noodle Towers Anyone?

Mrs. Hutchinson was a proud teacher today! She had her class put their “Thinking Caps” on and get to work! The goal was to build the tallest, free standing tower, that could hold a giant marshmallow on top. The only tools the students could use were 20 uncooked spaghetti noodes and one yard of tape.  Students had 20 minutes to complete the task.  The tallest tower was 11 inches tall!  

She wanted her class to learn that thinking can be fun!  It also taught them that sometimes we succeed and sometimes we don’t, but  we never give up!IMG_2757 IMG_2761 IMG_2759 IMG_2756 IMG_2745 IMG_2747 IMG_2748 IMG_2752

Family Movie Night Oh Ya!

Turbo_(film)_posterFAMILY MOVIE NIGHT – “Turbo”(rated PG) – 6:30pm Thursday, September 19th – all tickets are $1.00. Tickets will be on sale before and after school Mon-Thurs in the K-4 lobby. Tickets must be purchased through the school. They will not be available at the door that night. If you plan on purchasing snacks at the theater, be sure to arrive early as the line is usually pretty long! If you are available to help sell tickets before and after school any of the days we are doing so, please contact Tammy Paulson at



Don’t forget to head on over to the Riverdale Chick-Fil-A for our
Spirit Night between 5pm-7pm!

Remember you need to mention that you are from QUEST before your transaction is complete!  

If you do so the wonderful Chick-Fil-A will donate 25% of your purchase to our school!!!!!!

Spirit Week Sept. 16th-20th


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Words Their Way


2nd Grade is Up and Going

Check out what this 2nd Grade class has already accomplished this year!  
Way to GO! 

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

Special Guest

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Dane Allred is a local bee keeper in our community.  This is a hobby of his that he loves! He came to Quest last week to share his knowledge about honey bees and their part in helping pollinate all of our yummy crops!  Bees really are incredible insects!


On average, a worker bee in the summer lasts six to eight weeks.  

The most common cause of  death in bees is that they wear out their wings!

During the six to eight week period their average honey production is 1/12 teaspoon.

In that short lifetime, they fly the equivalent of 1 1/2 times the circumference of our Earth!

Thanks again Mr. Allred for coming to Quest and sharing new information to our students here at Quest! 


to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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