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Volunteers Needed

Glitter Words

It’s Stomp Time!  
We need a few more volunteers tomorrow night at our First Stomp!
Please come join us for the fun!
Please let POQA know if you can help out!
We really appreciate it! 

Dr. Dave Visits our Classrooms!

Our very own Dr. Dave has been making his way around our school the past couple weeks!  
Reading to them some of his favorite literature books!  

He has been making quite the impression on our students, faculty and parents!  We are grateful to have him here at Quest! 

Comparing Numbers in 4th Grade

Just a fun movie clip of some of our 4th graders Comparing Numbers during Math! Learning is FUN! Keep up the great work kiddos!

POQA wants to hear your VOICE!

Our one and only POQA would love to hear your voice!  

Please email Brittany Zimmerman with any of your FUNDRAISING PROJECT Ideas by the end of the day Thursday!  

Please help us raise more money for our SCHOOL! 

We are open to all of your creative ways to make money!!!

Follow us on FACEBOOK!

Don’t forget to also LIKE us on FACEBOOK to hear about all our school happenings first! 

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It’s time for our first STOMP!!!!

Attention 7th, 8th and 9th Graders!!!

When: Friday, September 6th

Where: Q2 Building 

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Stomp is FREE!  


We will have concessions so bring some cash!!!

Kindergarten Letter Practice

Our Kindergarten uses  neat program to help teach our kiddos letter recognition, sounds and the correct way to write the letters!

Click on the image below to see how we teach our Kinders to have
Perfect Handwriting!


sCieNcE fUn! 5th Grade!!!

I love seeing what is going on in the classrooms here at Quest!  Here is a fun SCIENCE Experiment with GUMMY BEARS!
No GUMMY BEARS were consumed during this experiment!  They were only used as Scientific Tools 😉
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Check out this AWESOME VIDEO!

FREE Family Swim Night

Who likes to SWIM???? Who is missing the SUMMER SUN? 
Come enjoy your night with great company-your Quest Family!

Saturday, August 31st from 6:00pm-8:00pm! 
Cross your fingers for good weather!


Dress Down Day & Short Day

Tomorrow is the day!  Our first FREE DRESS DOWN DAY!  Don’t forget to bring in a Can Food item to donate to the Food Bank!

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to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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