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Kinders at Work

A quick glance into our Kindergarten Classes during Center Time.  As I have mentioned, numerous times, all of our classes in the Quest Elementary Building have a scheduled time for Literacy Centers.  During that time, the students participate in differentiated learning activities in the areas of COMPREHENSION, WORD STUDY, WRITING, FLUENCY, COMPUTERS AND MUCH MORE.   The main reason why we do this, is so that our amazing teachers can pull your students back and teach them literacy skills in small groups on their level!  It is a beautiful thing!!!! Ask your students about this part of their day!  Don’t forget to ask your teachers about it also at PTC!  

This is just one of the reasons why


ENJOY these few pics of our cute Kinders at work!   Notice some specific centers in our Kinder Classes include, using the Smart Board, using Ipod Touches, using Netbooks, Reading Centers with books on their level, Word Study using Words Their Way, Writing Centers, Listening Center, Math Centers,  Sight Word Practice and so on!  

So much LEARNING IS GOING ON!  Way to go Kinders!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

4th Grade Wax Museum

The fourth grade presents, “A Night at the Museum”.  They will have two “performances”. One performance on February 26th (for students and staff) and the other on February 28th (for parents, grandparents, family members and friends). On the 28th they will perform our “Night at the Museum” in the lunchroom from 5:30-7:00 pm.

Come and join us!!

iMovie: 5th Grade Class

This fabulous 5th grade class reviewed previoulsy learned Math Concepts by creating an iMovie tutorial to show how to solve specific kinds of

Math Problems!

Here are some pics with the cute kiddos at work in our Mac Lab, and here is a sample video for you to enjoy!

Who’s your all time favorite President?

Leave a comment below sharing with us who your favorite President is!!!!  Thanks and Happy President’s Day!

Movie Night


We are having a movie night on

Thursday, February 21st

at the Cinepoint 6 Theater in Ogden. 

The movie will be “Wreck-it-Ralph” and will be starting at 6:20. 

The Family Life Committee will be selling tickets before and after school Friday and Tuesday in the lobby of the K-4 building only.   


Tickets will be sold for $1 each. 

Quest Loves You

Read A Thon

What an amazing idea! I have to say, this is FABULOUS! What a great way to raise money for our school track! I love that it encourages children to read! I have had a lot of fun having my son ask our family members to sponsor him for this! I even made up a cute little flyer to help explain the rules to everyone!

The fund raising committee is excited to be starting our biggest fundraiser of the year. This year we have replaced the Spelling Challenge with a Read-a-Thon. Your students should have brought a note home on Friday with the details. All pledge sheets need to be turned into their teachers by Friday Feb. 15th. Once the Read-a-Thon is over we will send the sheets home for you to collect money. All money will need to be turned in by Feb. 27th.

Have you seen how POQA spends its money? Last year we spent over $25000.00 installing the addition to the playground, and installing a track may be an even bigger expense. POQA provides dinner for the teachers during conferences and gifts during Teacher Appreciation week. POQA is responsible for Doughnuts at Dawn, Muffin Morning, the swim party, skate nights, movie nights; we also help fund class field trips. This year we have not only added more students we have also added Jr. High activities to our expenses. POQA has  amazing Committee Heads who put in so much of their own time to make all these activities possible. However ,none of this is possible without fundraisers. Last year our Spelling Challenge made just over $5500 and this year our goal is $7000, if each student brings in $10.00 we can easily meet this goal! Custom Glitter Text

Spirit Store Opening - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Don’t forget to stop by the Spirit Store tomorrow Feb. 8th

from 8am-8:25am in the 2.0 Building in the 5th Grade Hall next to the stairs!


6th Grade Science Fair

A BIG thanks to all of the parents who came to our 6th Grade Science Fair! It was a BOOMING Success! Way to go 6th Grade!

Sweet Secretaries

We really are so blessed to have such sweet, loving, organized, efficient and caring secretaries at our school!

Click on the link below to read a little bit about them!  My favorite part about them is that they ALWAYS have a SMILE on their face!

Sweet Secretary Page

to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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