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Dr. Seuss Week March 3rd-7th

Cat-in-the-HatGlitter Words

Dress Up Each Day

Monday: The Foot Book
Wear Silly Socks or Mismatched Shoes

Tuesday: Wocket in my Pocket
Attach a fun key chain to your name badge or belt loop

Wednesday: Thing 1 and Thing 2
Wear red and have crazy hair.

Thursday: Cat in the Hat
Wear a “Cat in the Hat” hat or bow tie

Quest Drama Club presents….

Don’t Miss Quest Academy Drama Club’s
The Nifty Fifties!
Book by Tim Kelly, Music and Lyrics by Bill Francoeur
Produced by permission from Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Denver, CO
FRIDAY, FEB. 28TH @ 7:00

We are the BEST of the BEST


Now is your time to nominate your favorite school (us), teacher, administrator and or board member! Take time to nominate individuals who have dedicated their time and made a difference in your life!  

Best of the Best!

As in year’s past, we (Utah Association of Public Charter Schools) need your help to find and recognize the excellence in Utah’s charter schools, leadership, and educational and financial professionals. Please take the time to nominate individuals and schools in the following areas who have demonstrated their dedication to high quality education, commitment to innovation and strengthening the charter school movement – one school or student at a time!


Charter School of the Year

Director/Administrator of the Year

Teacher/Educator of the Year

Charter School Board of the Year

Business Manager of the Year


Deadline for nominations is April 3, 2014

quest is the best

The Night of the Museum

4th Grade is having their ANNUAL 

Screen shot 2014-02-19 at 12.47.18 PMEveryone is welcome to come! 

Rams News

Multiplication Madness Party 3rd Grade

Third Grade has been working hard on mastering their Multiplication Facts! Congratulations to them!


vicki action yonanas daveryan

Have you ever heard of 


Click on the Yonana image above to learn more about it!  

Our amazing Administration provided us today with a “healthy” treat  for Valentine’s Day. 

This was the perfect treat since many of our staff and faculty are participating in a “Health Challenge” that we are currently doing right now!

Here are our “LeaDerS” at work!

I know your kids will like it!  A healthy version of ice cream!  No sugar added!


Happy Valentine’s Day to YOU from Quest!


Have a fabulous three day weekend with your adorable kiddos!
Thanks for choosing Quest!

Sage Assessment System

We are starting to train our students on the New Sage Assessment System right now at Quest. It is a new tool that our state has chosen to use for our End of Level Assessments and next year it will be available to use throughout the year to show growth in our students from the beginning of the year to the end. We are excited for this new opportunity to show how our students shine! Please read the brochure if you want to learn more about this topic!

Nominate your Favorite Teacher!

Let’s represent QUEST!  Nominate your favorite teacher!!!!!!

The Jon. M. Huntsman Family is proud to sponsor the 

22nd Annual Huntsman Awards for Excellence in Education.

·        Nominate your favorite Utah public school teacher, volunteer, or administrator 
·        11 winners will receive $10,000 
·        Nomination forms can be found online at 
·        Due Date: Friday, March 14, 2014 

For more information, please call the Huntsman Awards Committee at (801)584-5799. 

to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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