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Class Spotlight

4th Grade Economics Fair

2nd Grade Headed off to Antelope Island

A few fun snapshots from their field trip! Always an adventure in learning!

Nature Art in 3rd Grade Showcase

Nice Job 3rd Grade!

Dr. Suess Vids

I came across these two Dr. Suess videos on our QACTUBE here at Quest and thought I’d share!

Way to go Quest Kids!

Spotlight on 1st Grade Centers

We love CENTERS at our school!  Here is a spotlight on one of our 1st Grade classrooms!  We have the BEST teachers ever!


In Mrs. Dunmeyer’s 1st grade centers, she has used a very wide variety of centers activities.  Her class has 13 different centers activities that the students rotate between. Some of the students’ favorite centers include:

 – Banger! (apick-up-sticks game using Fry’s Word Phrases) – Doggy Drop (students throw a dog stuffed animal onto a $1 shower curtain covered in words. The students must read the word that the dog falls onto in order to score points.) – Monster Mash (students use cute flower-covered fly swatters to swat “word monsters.” They must read the word first!) – Monster Munch (students read and sort words by “feeding” them to monsters (bags). Each monster has a taste for a specific word type, such as -igh, -ed, and -ough words.) – Lilly Pad Leap (students place lily pads covered in sight words on the floor, and, as they read them, they leap from pad to pad)

Thanks Mrs. Dunmeyer for sharing these great Learning Center Ideas with us! 

Tulips at Quest

We have planted seeds of excitement in our student’s minds!!! 

Our 3rd grade and some of 4th were some of the few classes selected to Explore the Seasons in Journey North Gardens under the direction of Thanksgiving Point.

With this our students were provided Tulip Bulbs to plant in their classrooms and around our facilities.  The classes have been using a Tulip Garden Journal to record how the garden looks through observation.  They record their  observations, the temperature, use measurement, make predictions and add questions in their Journal throughout the school year.  This experience integrates, Science, Writing and Math!

In the Fall, our students planted the bulbs in and out of the buildings, right now, they just finished working together to put up a picket fence to protect one of our Tulip Gardens and later on this Spring they will take a field trip to Journey North Tulip Garden at Thanksgiving Point.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


As a part of the 2nd Grade Curriculum they study Animals and their Habitats.  Students learn how they adapt to their environment and our they integrate Technology into this lesson by creating Informative Power Points.  

Our classes combine ELA, Science and Technology in this lesson.  They start by doing research on a specific animal of choice and  complete a story board containing the required elements.  Next, the students learn the in’s an out’s of Powerpoint, including transitions, changing and resizing font, inserting pictures, shapes, word art and text, formatting objects and more!  

This class is busy using the NetBooks to create their presentations that they will present to their Families at the end of the month! 

Physical Changes with Creme Brulee

Check out this fun 3rd Grade Science Experiment!

Kinders at Work

A quick glance into our Kindergarten Classes during Center Time.  As I have mentioned, numerous times, all of our classes in the Quest Elementary Building have a scheduled time for Literacy Centers.  During that time, the students participate in differentiated learning activities in the areas of COMPREHENSION, WORD STUDY, WRITING, FLUENCY, COMPUTERS AND MUCH MORE.   The main reason why we do this, is so that our amazing teachers can pull your students back and teach them literacy skills in small groups on their level!  It is a beautiful thing!!!! Ask your students about this part of their day!  Don’t forget to ask your teachers about it also at PTC!  

This is just one of the reasons why


ENJOY these few pics of our cute Kinders at work!   Notice some specific centers in our Kinder Classes include, using the Smart Board, using Ipod Touches, using Netbooks, Reading Centers with books on their level, Word Study using Words Their Way, Writing Centers, Listening Center, Math Centers,  Sight Word Practice and so on!  

So much LEARNING IS GOING ON!  Way to go Kinders!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

iMovie: 5th Grade Class

This fabulous 5th grade class reviewed previoulsy learned Math Concepts by creating an iMovie tutorial to show how to solve specific kinds of

Math Problems!

Here are some pics with the cute kiddos at work in our Mac Lab, and here is a sample video for you to enjoy!

to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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